The Baby

mood: very very tired and sleepy

Today's progress — again, this includes stuff from my pre-writing draft.

word count page count
previously written 19,280 95
newly written 7,873 39
total 27,153 134

By popular request…the baby! Peanut & Buttercup look exactly the same. This is when they were about three weeks old. Hero Material took the picture. Sorry for the not-so-great quality. The phone camera isn't all that great.


The Great Escape

mood: upbeat
workout: lower body; very tiring
treat for the day: a long soak (the gym has a big hot tub) and exfoliation

Today went better than yesterday on the writing front. Don't be shocked at the word count. I've been able to use stuff from my old pre-writing drafts, and I'm not editing as I write, so it's not as super-polished as drafts of people who revise as they go.

word count page count
previously written 6,247 30
newly written 13,033 65
total 19,280 95

I'm fairly happy with the progress and what I have so far. I think the character motivation, etc. is better explained. I may need to write a couple of new scenes to clarify villain GMC, but I'm going to wait until I'm done with this draft before I make the final determination.

Now on to the life stuff —

Last night, Kuro escaped. Hero Material realized that he was gone when he saw a hamster running around in the living room. (Other hamsters stayed in the cage like good lil rodents!) Kuro found the sunflower seed stash, so he went hog-wild and left piles of empty husks behind him. Furthermore, he managed to climb up the couch and took a bunch of tissue papers to make a nest behind the couch. I know I'm supposed to get mad at him for being a naughty boy, but he's absolutely precious. Besides how can you scold a hamster who looks at you with such big sparkly eyes? *sigh*

Hero Material and I know how Kuro managed to get out of the cage, so he can't repeat the experience. I guess that's punishment enough.

My 1st Working Day of the Year

mood: tired but feeling accomplished
currently working on: All the King's Women
dreamed last night: that I won a $30 million jackpot (lottery) and spent over two months consulting lawyers and CPAs to figure out how to minimize my tax liability and to set up multiple trust funds and develop an investment strategy; I got nothing written during that time and felt extremely guilty and had to call Agent and apologize for the lack of progress on my WIPs; unfortunately the dream ended before Agent could say anything…anyway it was a weird dream 8O

Got up very early this morning…(well…anything before 9:00 a.m. is early for me) and started working on the story. There's nothing like blood and love and sex and pain…well, you get the point.

I think it went okay, but I could've done better by concentrating more on the story. Sometimes I get slightly distracted. Also I'm not sure if I can continue to write over 6k / day. Usually the opening chapters are the easiest for me to write, so I'm sure things will slow down when I reach the middle / ending. Today's progress chart:

word count page count
previously written 0 0
newly written 6,247 30
total 6,247 30

On the hamster front — Buttercup is ovulating today, and Kuro tried to hump her, and we had to separate the two. It's so wrong since Kuro is her daddy. Oi. Shiro's been very aggressive recently, and I'm wondering if she's abusing Peanut. To be honest, I think Buttercup is a bit scared of Shiro. But then Shiro is the white specter of doom…er…mommy hamster.

I had my first workout of the year. I did some easy stuff with 22 lb dumbbells, but my right delt is feeling very tight. Must stretch before going to bed.

How's everyone doing today?

Nineteen Working Days

mood: sleepy
watched last night: The Forbidden Kingdom
bought today: a small calendar from a ¥100 store

Tomorrow I start the first real day of writing after a long break plus brainstorming. I'm totally anxious to get going. This month has only nineteen working days due to various national holidays, etc. and so on. Knowing that of course makes me even more determined to make the best use of those days. I'm trying to figure out the point where marginal productivity diminishes because I feel like I've been working hard for a long time without sufficient return for all my effort. I spend so many months on something, but at the end I don't have a whole lot to show for. So that's something I really want to work on this year.

How I Keep the Economy Going (Things I Bought and Soon-to-Pay-Off)

mood: upbeat
current workshop: Margie Lawson's Defeating Self-Defeating Behaviors
bought yesterday: Philips Sonicare R732 HealthyWhite Power Toothbrush

Went to McD for a Big Mac. It was that or cooking. For whatever reason, McD in Japan tastes better than McD in America. I think it's due to the fact that Japanese franchisees use fresher veggies, etc.

Yesterday, I bought Sonicare. I've been thinking about buying it for a long long time. It's less than $150 in the States. In Japan, it's $200. (For those of you who think protective tariffs are great, this is the result — paying 25-50% more for the same stuff, just because it's made by a non-domestic firm.) Hero Material and I used it last night, and we decided that it is indeed excellent. My teeth feel extra clean.

This Christmas / New Years, I've mostly bought books, some stuff from VS and so on. For whatever reason, I'm not really interested in shopping. This month I'm also going to close my HELOC account the second I pay off the balance. I don't see any point in keeping it since the bank won't let me withdraw any money out of it. So yes, my bank did lose a customer, but I don't think it cares. Oh the joy of modern banking.

IRON KISSED by Patricia Briggs

status: made my Twitter account public, so anyone can view my updates
watched last night: Starship Troopers II
currently reading: Prom Dates from Hell by Rosemary Clement-Moore
just read: Iron Kissed by Patricia Briggs

I've avoided reading Mercy Thompson series for a while because of the controversial ending to Iron Kissed that many have talked about.

I'm currently kicking myself for being so stupid. The controversial part was very credible, and it showed and highlighted something that is often very real and yet ignored by many people — consequences of rape and how people react to it. I've seen some cases where the victim is blamed for asking for it. The victim was either too stupid or dressed too sexy or whatever. And I'm sure such judgment also makes the victim question if she somehow deserved to be raped. I was relieved and happy that the pack stood behind Mercy and made sure she understood that it was not her fault. Furthermore, they helped her heal by letting her know that she's a valuable member of the pack no matter what.

As I closed the book, I was awed by the acceptance of the werewolves around her and the sensitivity with which Briggs handled the rape and the character arc. Because in a way Mercy really needed to see that she wasn't alone and that the pack wouldn't desert her. I felt that in many ways she felt a great deal of insecurity about her place in the world. She seemed to believe that the werewolves only accepted her because of Bran, not because they liked her. The book's climax and the resolution addressed her issues and I can't think of any other way Briggs could've done it without gutting Mercy's character arc.