Books & New Project

I'm not sure if you've noticed, but Fictionwise is having a huge anniversary sale right now. If you've been planning to get some stuff there, do so soon.

In case you're wondering, yes, I bought some books — fourteen to be exact. They include Claudia Gray's Stargazer and Jim Butcher's Turn Coat. The latest Dresden Files is out in HC only, and Fictionwise was selling it for only $10 plus whatever discounts / rebates / promo it's having, so I couldn't resist. :) Besides I adore Harry.

Last night, I stayed up late brainstorming with May. I have the characters and basic dynamics among them, but I don't have all the plot threads or GMC to make everything work. May was helpful and totally hilarious. I think she's overly obsessed with hell, the apocalypse and the utter destruction of mankind these days. I'm going to spend several more days on plotting and see how everything comes together before starting a detailed scene-by-scene outline.

For your listening pleasure, here's the music that inspired the opening scene of the new project, which I'm calling “Eve Clare Project” until I have a suitable title. (It used to be called Nine but I don't think that works anymore.)

Why Having Supportive People Is Wonderful

Recently, I've been slightly stressed about many things. Some of it was writing and some not. I basically let things get to me to the point that I wasn't quite as cool-headed as I would be normally. Things like planning for my wedding, a long trip to the States, etc. all just added up. I'm already going over what needs to be done for the ceremony and the banquet (and thinking about the budget too!) and what to do about our hamsters while we're gone, etc. Oh and let's not forget my wondering what directions I want to take with my WIPs, my family pressure (it's the wedding; my mom's already demanding to know when she can expect her first grandchild), several people insisting on XYZ for my wedding, etc.

Hero Material and May basically kept me sane during the insane time. Jill also helped me see that I'm not alone and that I just need to take a deep breath and communicate. My uber-agent of course was absolutely delightful (and helpful!), and I felt 100% better about everything after speaking with her.

So I want to thank you all for your support and kindness! :wub:

My Author Interview & Contest

Check out my author interview and leave a comment for your chance to win a copy of Devil Falls!

FYI — I published Devil Falls under another name. :)

Dresses! Dresses!

Took some time off late this afternoon to select the wedding gown and banquet dress for my upcoming wedding. I can't believe this, but it took me two hours. Thankfully the staff at the rental store was very nice and didn't mind working with my less than perfect Japanese. K-san was uber-helpful, and I was able to choose accessories, etc. to go with my dresses.

May got to see the pictures, and she really likes the wedding gown, although the banquet dress seems “meh” to her. I had a choice between a frou-frou red dress and a less frou-frou spaghetti strap white/sky-blue one, and chose the latter. I really can't do frou-frou well. I may if the rental shop allows me to revisit the banquet dress issue. Hmm.

Oh, and since May said I look “tiny, slender and pretty” in the pictures despite the fact that I only had powder and pale pink lipstick on my face, she's now officially my favorite person.

BTW — in case anyone's wondering why I'm not just buying a wedding gown — it costs over $1k to rent one in Japan. Now figure out how much it's going to cost to buy one.

Kudos to Writing Buds & Check Out Another Great Review for My Novel

Remember my hiatus? Well…I lied. :oops:

Or more like…I decided to put up an update and news. (In case you're wondering, I'm about 50% done with the current draft, and Agent has the first three chapters.)

First, fellow Divas just signed with agents. I know it's so discouraging, esp. with the recession and all, but hang in there. If you believe in your writing, don't give up! (BTW — the newly agented ladies are Madelynne Ellis and Jeannie Lin. Please go congratulate them. :) )

Second, my alter ego Angelle Trieste‘s Devil Falls received another great review. Romance Junkies' Noelle wrote:

An entertaining cast of secondary characters, an inspiring story of personal growth, several surprising revelations, and an ending that will bring tears to your eyes round out this excellent story of perseverance, second chances, and a love that can conquer anything.

You can read the full review here.


I will not be blogging until I'm done with All the King's Women revision. Currently I have too many things to do and not enough time.

See you later! :)