Several people have asked me where they could buy and/or read A Happily Ever After of Her Own. I always thought perhaps I'd sell it somewhere but decided that maybe it's better to give the entire novella away on my site. Here's the story blurb:

A Happily Ever After of Her Own

Genre: Paranormal Romance
Length: Novella

Melinda Lightfoot, a preschool teacher with an unusual ability to flit in and out of fairy tales, never thought she would get into trouble…

…until the Fairy Tale Police arrest her while she is in Beauty and the Beast. They offer her a deal: Find Beauty, who left the story when Melinda trespassed into it, or be charged with the ultimate crime — Fairy Tale Killer. If that's not bad enough the Beast tags along in search of his true love, and Melinda starts falling for the fairy tale prince. She must choose between doing the right thing and having her own happily ever after.

The serial will start by mid-October at the latest. I'm posting a poll to see what people prefer for the installment schedule. (If you're reading this via email subscription or RSS feed, you may need to go here to vote.)

Sorry, there are no polls available at the moment.

Please feel free to let your friends know, post comments and questions, etc.


PSA: The first two chapters are free, but the rest are available to newsletter subscribers only. Sign up now.

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Jane’s Were-Gerbil Romance Debut

The Multi-Billionaire's Virgin Rodent Wrangling BrideNot sure if you've heard, but someone *coughJamaicaLaynecough* started a rumor that Jane from Dear Author is really an aspiring author who lost her contract with Quartet Press when it folded.

Well…not to be outdone, Jane has requested reviews on her alleged were-gerbil romance The Multi-Billionaire’s Virgin Rodent Wrangling Bride. And people have responded. They're all in good fun, especially now that Jane's secret best friend showed up to defend her as well.

Hero Material decided to participate as well. You can see his review here.

The Things That Unblock Me

status: I feel awesome today! Weather's finally cooling down some. W00t!

Last night Hero Material and I went out. I was feeling restless because I was stuck on WIP. I had the basic story arc for my h/H, but I had no idea what was going on with my villain. After weeks of tinkering with the story, I was getting mighty frustrated.

So as we were sitting at a bar, I kept thinking about my story and suddenly blurted out, “Do you think you can salt human heads? You know, to preserve them for several years so you can give them to someone as presents?”

Hero Material looked totally grossed out. The piece of chicken between his chopsticks stopped moving toward his mouth, and he stared at me with a what-the-heck-are-you-talking-about expression on his face.

Oh that poor man.

But that little thing — salted human heads — got me thinking about other possibilities that I hadn't considered. Some members of Romance Divas gave me some pointers on how to preserve human heads as well. Special thanks to Kim Knox and Ayla for fabulous suggestions.

P.S. I'm glad nobody at the bar spoke English. Otherwise somebody might have called the police.

Guest Blogging at SammyNetbook.com!

My article on how I use Samsung NC10 is up now! Please go to SammyNetbook.com and check it out!

Crazy Pirates!

Recently Larissa Ione got emails from people telling her how much they hate her, blah blah blah, because the illegal copies of her books they downloaded infected their computers with a nasty virus. Seriously, what's up with the sense of entitlement? How can they steal from her then get mad that things went wrong? (Because downloading illegal copies = stealing, you know.)

Don't like worm- and virus-laden ebooks? I've got a nutty idea: buy a legit copy from places like FictionWise, BooksOnBoard, Amazon, Sony eBook store, etc.


No Dumb Bonds

Before I begin: This post is not about politics. I'm talking about this from a purely financial point of view. Numbers. If anyone leaves comments with political hate-talk, they will be deleted with extreme prejudice.

As we all know, Americans don't save much. That's one reason why we have to borrow so much from China, Japan, etc., and it's obviously a bad thing. In addition, many people are unable to retire due to a lack of sufficient money to fund their golden years. So in order to make it easier for you to save, Obama is proposing several measures. One of them is this:

In a second move, Mr. Obama said the Internal Revenue Service will allow people to check a box on their tax returns and receive their tax refunds in the form of United States savings bonds. White House officials said about 100 million families get tax refunds each year, and the average refund is about $2,000.

This wouldn't be a bad idea…if U.S. savings bonds actually offered a decent rate of return. According to the US savings bonds website, the interest rates as of September 2009 range from -5.56% (this is not a typo — the website really says that the rate is negative) to 1.5%. So the government gets to keep your federal tax refunds for years and pay you almost nothing. (You know the Chinese demand more than 1.5% on their money.)

If that's not bad enough, with the current rate of inflation, the value of your money will decrease. If you're making 1.5% on a bond and the inflation rate is 4% (let's just say), then your money is worth 2.5% less every year you leave it in the bond. So by saving, you actually lose ground.

The best way to encourage saving is not “allowing” people to put their tax refunds into some savings bonds that pay a nominal and virtually worthless rate of return. It is by raising interest rates and making saving (i.e., delayed gratification) worthwhile.

But I doubt that's really going to happen. If everyone saves, who's going to increase consumer spending, the all-important gauge of economic activity in America?