
I'm in the middle of revision right now. It's going well, especially because I like the story. (It's near-impossible to do this if you don't really care for your own story…) I like drafting too, but sometimes revision can be more “fun” because I can clear away all the gunk that's “almost there” but not quite.

Below you can see my desk during revision mode. It always has lots of highlighters, my drink of choice (it's coffee in the picture because I took it in the morning, but usually it's a big bottle of water at room temperature; I don't like cold water because it sometimes hurts my throat), trusty Synonym Finder, a notebook to jot down any ideas or reminders as I revise, and several pens in different colors. I also use Word Menu (not in the picture), which is a reverse look-up dictionary. And of course a print out of my work-in-progress.

Nadia Lee's desk (revision mode)

Now a close-up of some pages after I've savaged them. Once I'm satisfied that they've been sufficiently brutalized, I transcribe everything to the soft copy on my computer. That takes a while because…um…sometimes my handwriting's very bad. I try to write neatly as much as possible in normal settings, but when I'm revising, I jot down ideas very fast because I don't want to lose any gems that come to mind.


All of us have written and revised at one point, even if it's not fiction (school essays, personal essays / statements for college apps, etc.). How do you revise?

Giveaway: KISS OF THE ROSE by Kate Pearce

I'm giving away two copies of Kiss of the Rose: The Tudor Vampire Chronicles by Kate Pearce. As you may know, she's been mentoring me since February of this year, and she's been uber-helpful and sweet. So I'm trying to help create some buzz for her. :)

How to win:

First, this giveaway is open to everyone regardless of their location. Note that the winners will receive their copies directly from BookDepository. I don't have any ARCs or anything like that to give away.

Second, there are two ways to enter:

  1. You can subscribe to my newsletter. I'm going to draw one winner from my confirmed subscribers. (This means that you have to click on the “Confirm subscription” link that you get after signing up. Otherwise you won't qualify.)

    Email *
    First Name*

  2. You can tweet about the giveaway. Just tweet one or both of the following (just copy and paste):

    Giveaway: KISS OF THE ROSE by Kate Pearce – Enter to win #TudorVamp

    I want to read KISS OF THE ROSE by Kate Pearce #TudorVamp

    If you tweet both, you get two chances to enter the Twitter drawing. :-)

    Please don't forget the hashtag. Else I won't be able to include you in the drawing!

Third, the winners will be announced on July 5. Please respond within one week with your mailing address to claim your prize. If there's no response within the allotted time I'll draw another name.

So what's this awesome book about?

Kiss of the Rose: The Tudor Vampire Chronicles by Kate Pearce

First in a sexy new series that takes a bite out of the court of King Henry VIII

KISS OF THE ROSE by Kate PearceDesperate to defeat King Richard III and gain the English crown, Henry Tudor made a pact with the Druids that bound him and his heirs to the Druid’s deadly struggle against the Vampires. Ever since, the Llewellyns, an ancient Vampire slaying family, have been in the permanent employ of the monarchy.

Now Henry VIII is on the throne, and his father's bargain has almost been forgotten. Until corpses drained of blood start turning up in the most inappropriate of places, including the king’s bedchamber. But are these people the victims of the Vampires — or of the Druids?

To save the king from a nameless assassin, Rosalind Llewellyn, Vampire hunter extraordinaire, must form an uneasy alliance with a known Druid slayer. Sir Christopher Ellis hails from a family that has protected the Vampires for centuries, yet Rosalind has no choice but to rely on his help. And with her life threatened and her loyalty tested, Rosalind may even have to acknowledge the unthinkable. This sworn enemy may be her soul mate.


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Richmond Palace, the Court of King Henry VIII, 1529

“Lady Rosalind? I'll take you to the queen.”

Rosalind Llewellyn stood up, shook out her skirts, and followed Sir Richard out of the oppressively crowded anteroom into the wide hallway beyond. She hoped she didn't look as nervous as she felt. At court, presenting the right appearance was essential, and with the kind of enemies she had, any sign of nerves could prove disastrous.

Despite Rosalind's familiarity with the palace, it seemed at least a mile before they reached the queen's apartments. Strains of a lute and the hum of conversation died as she entered the largest of the rooms. Queen Katherine sat by the window surrounded by her ladies. Her embroidery lay on her lap as she compared shades of blue silk thread held up to the light by one of her waiting women.

“Your Majesty.”

The queen smiled. “Lady Rosalind. It is a pleasure to see you again.”

Rosalind sank into a deep curtsey. “You remember me, Your Majesty?”

“How could I forget? You had the most charming singing voice I have ever heard and the sweetness of disposition to go with it.”

“Sweet as a country bumpkin or a freshly picked turnip.”

The queen looked up sharply at the whispered interjection, and Rosalind felt herself blushing. One of the dark-haired Spanish women clustered around the queen barely bothered to conceal her laughter behind her fingers.

“Hardly a country bumpkin, Lady Celia. Rosalind was born at court and lived here for the first fourteen years of her life. She only returned home to nurse her mother through her final illness.” The queen smiled gently. “Isn't that so, my dear?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. I—”

Rosalind stiffened and slowly inhaled. She could sense the presence of the undead in the room, the scent of stolen blood, the peculiar dry aroma left by an animated corpse. She studied Queen Katherine closely to make sure that the scent of Vampire was not coming from her. It never hurt to be cautious, and she hadn't been close to the queen for several years.

She forced her attention back to the queen and smiled. “In truth I could probably find my way around these halls blindfolded.”

“That skill might be useful if the king decides to hold one of his wild masques.” The queen nodded at Sir Richard. “Please ask the king if he can see Lady Rosalind today and give his formal approval of her appointment to my household. I don't think he'll object,” she said to Rosalind. “Your family has always served us well. Lady Clarence will find you a bed for tonight, but until then, reintroduce yourself to my ladies and take your ease.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” Rosalind had always loved Queen Katherine and had no intention of deserting her now, even if — especially if — the rumors were true and she had lost favor with the king because she had failed to produce a male child. She'd always been a most gracious and kind friend to Rosalind.

“Oh my goodness, Rosalind, it is so good to see you again!”

Rosalind turned and found herself in a warm embrace. She enthusiastically reciprocated. “Margaret, how are you?”

“I am well.” Margaret Sinclair tilted her head to one side and studied Rosalind critically. “You have grown into a beauty.”

“Hardly.” Rosalind shrugged. “I've just grown.”

She'd known Margaret since they were five years old, when her friend had been made a ward of the king's court to protect her considerable inheritance. They had been inseparable until Rosalind's abrupt departure five years previously.

“And how is married life?” Rosalind asked. Margaret was glowing, her blond hair concealed beneath a French hood while her ample bosom was displayed above her silver and blue bodice.

Margaret's smile widened. “I am very happy. Robert is an excellent husband.” She blushed. “We are expecting a child in the summer.”

Rosalind took Margaret's hands and squeezed them hard. “That is wonderful news. I am truly happy for you.”

Margaret led her away from the queen and toward the quietest corner of the room. “You aren't married yet, then? Is that why your grandfather sent you back to court, to find a husband?”

“Perhaps. But you know how difficult I am to please.”

Rosalind tried to keep smiling. At almost twenty, she was already considered far too old to be unwed. It didn't bother her; she had important secrets to conceal, a monarchy to protect, and many dangers to face. Somehow she suspected a conventional husband would not approve of any of that.

Margaret gave her an encouraging pat. “I'm sure you'll find someone. Several of the gentlemen present looked very pleased to see you when you arrived.”

“Only because I am an untried delicacy.”

“You are so distrustful, Rosalind. Show a man a pleasant face and a willing disposition and you will find your love match in no time.”

“But I am not willing,” Rosalind grumbled, and Margaret laughed. It occurred to Rosalind that if she wanted to conceal the real reason for her attendance at court, she would at least have to entertain the idea of encouraging a few suitors.

There was a disturbance around the queen and Margaret looked up. “I have to go and attend Her Majesty. She will no doubt be taking a stroll in the gardens. Would you like to come or will you rest from your journey?”

“If the queen permits, I think I'll remain here and accustom myself to her apartments again.”

“That is an excellent idea. I'll ask the queen.”

A few moments later, the queen's court streamed out into the pale sunlight chattering and laughing, leaving Rosalind alone in the pleasant receiving room. She picked up the altar cloth the queen had been embroidering, folded it carefully, and set it back on the stool along with the tangle of silks.

To her relief, the faint scent of Vampire had disappeared with the exodus of the queen's court. She had no idea yet whether the threat came from a male or a female. To her delicate and well-trained nose, there was a slight difference in the odor. Females smelled more like plants, the males like animals. Unfortunately, experienced Vampires could conceal their scent among the overperfumed and underwashed bodies of the court. It would take her some time to sift through the courtiers and discover exactly who was threatening the king and queen. She could only hope she found the culprit before any damage was done.

With a sigh, Rosalind wandered through the large suite of rooms, but there was no further evidence of Vampire occupation. She paused in the queen's bedchamber and closed her eyes. How close did this Vampire get to the queen? If she was a trusted member of the household, she might be the last thing the queen saw at night before she slept. The last thing the queen ever saw…

“What are you doing in here?”

Rosalind blinked and swung around to see a tall young man dressed entirely in black leaning against the door. His crow black hair matched his tightly trimmed beard and he had the brightest blue eyes she had ever seen.

“You startled me, sir.” Rosalind advanced toward him, but he didn't move away from the door.

“You shouldn't be in here.”

She raised her eyebrows at him. “And you should?”

He blinked as if taken aback by her boldness and his amiable expression disappeared. She guessed he was too used to dealing with the simpering maidens of the court to tolerate a direct challenge from a woman.

“In fact, yes. I'm a member of the queen's household and I'm sworn to protect her.” He studied her from the tip of her French hood down to her feet. “You, however, are a stranger.”

“To you, perhaps, but not to the court or the queen.” She marched right up to him. “Excuse me, sir.”

His hand shot out and he gently grasped her elbow. “Not before I know your name and your reason for being here.”

Rosalind gave an exaggerated sigh. “Now you are being ridiculous. If you let go of me, perhaps I won't embarrass you in front of the queen by insisting on an apology.”

Up close, she saw his skin was olive and that within his fine eyes lurked an intriguing strength of purpose that matched her own. He smelled of exotic spices and leather, not Vampire, for which she was profoundly grateful. Tangling with a Vampire without her weapons — and in the queen's bedchamber in broad daylight — was hardly the way to begin her mission.

“Sir, the queen is in the gardens. If you insist on being difficult, why don't we go and find her? Then you can make your apology and be done with it.”

“That's an excellent idea.”

Rosalind met his gaze, her own unflinching. “Then let go of me.”

“Not until you tell me your name.” He inhaled slowly and his blue eyes narrowed as he scrutinized her face. As if he couldn't help himself, he trailed his fingers along the line of her jaw, paused to feather his thumb over her lower lip.

“It must be Helen, because your beauty is unsurpassed.” He leaned in closer until his lips almost brushed hers.

She resisted the urge to nip his thumb, instinct telling her that inviting him into her mouth wouldn't be wise. Was he trying to intimidate her, or was he as intrigued by her as she was by him? She managed an unsteady breath. For some reason, his mere presence made it difficult for her to remember her own name, let alone why she was annoyed with him.

“Do you normally kiss any woman you find unprotected?”

His smile was an invitation to sin. “Only the pretty ones. Now tell me your name.”

“Why is it so important for you to know who I am?”

“So that I can couch my apology to you in an appropriately abject manner?”

She couldn't help herself. Her mouth quirked up at the corners. “I am Lady Rosalind Llewellyn.”

He dropped her arm abruptly. “Llewellyn?”


He started to laugh, his teeth white and even against his tanned skin. “I don't believe it.”

“What on earth does that mean?”

He bowed low and stepped away from the door. “Just that I was expecting someone far more…exciting.”

Rosalind glared at his handsome laughing face. “I do not excite you? In truth, I am relieved to hear that, as I find you rude, ignorant, and totally beneath my interest.”

His expression sobered. “Oh, you'll find me of interest, my lady. I'm Sir Christopher Ellis. I'm sure your grandfather has spoken of my family.”

“I have no idea what you are talking about.” Oh, but she did, and the thought was utterly terrifying. She fisted her hands within the folds of her gown.

“You are lying, Lady Rosalind. Your kind has lived in fear of mine for generations.”

“My kind?”

“You know what I mean, my lady.” He bowed again. “But I'm not going to discuss it here.”

Don't you want to read it? :-) Again, to enter:

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tweet about the giveaway (just copy and paste):

Giveaway: KISS OF THE ROSE by Kate Pearce – Enter to win #TudorVamp

I want to read KISS OF THE ROSE by Kate Pearce #TudorVamp

Good luck!

Kait Nolan Interviews…Yours Truly

Kait Nolan interviewed me a couple of days ago, and it's up on her blog. I revealed something about me and Hero Material I've never told anybody online before. So check it out! :)

How to Format Your Manuscript for Kindle

Many writers seem interested in uploading their writing on Kindle. And no wonder. It's quick and easy way to make something too short and/or out-there for mainstream publishers available to readers and make some money on the side. You can also use it to promote your longer works — maybe post a short novella to tide your readers over between longer projects, etc.

A HAPPILY EVER AFTER OF HER OWN by Nadia LeeUnless you're a publisher with a distribution agreement with Amazon, you cannot give away your books for free. But you can price your stories for $0.99, the lowest price point for Kindle. A lot of people are willing to pay a buck for a quick read on their Kindle. But even for a buck, they want something that's nicely formatted.

L. K. Rigel mentioned that my paranormal romance novella A Happily Ever After of Her Own was very well-formatted. So did Zoe Winters.

I used to offer an initial version of the guide for free, but I've made some improvements after having done three more conversions, one of which was a full-length novel. So I gathered all my code blocks, lessons learned and information on formatting for Nook (which has gained in popularity recently) and compiled them into one master file. You can get it from Smashwords if you like.

Hope you find it useful. If you have any questions, feel free to post them here.

Lovely June

May was a super busy month. I have no idea what I was thinking, joining MayNoWriMo while doing the uber-challenging (but also uber-rewarding) mentorship with Kate Pearce.

But the good thing is I got a lot of writing done. Finally I'm finished with my sooper-sekrit project set in futuristic Paris and Shintokyo (New Tokyo) to the point where I'm satisfied with all the major plot / character arcs. I also edited a short erotic novella and sent it off to Agent, wrote the first draft of a paranormal romance novella plus a synopsis for the sequel.

On the non-writing front — I'm sure you've noticed that my site looks different. Frauke from CrocoDesigns worked her magic again. It's amazing that she knew exactly what I wanted even though my emails were somewhat vague. If you ever need a web designer, definitely check her out. She's just fantastic.

Also say hello to Miss Moneypenny (Dragon Naturally Speaking 10). I've been having problems with wrist and hand pain, and I figured I should learn to dictate. If nothing else, I can “speak” dialogue out loud, so I don't have too much downtime due to pain. I honestly don't mind having pages and pages of dialogue to go back and fill out later with descriptions and tags, etc. And now that I have a new helper, I need to train her so she can transcribe correctly.

(BTW — Amazon has an incredible deal on Dragon 10 right now. So if you're interested in trying it, you may want to check out Amazon's price.)


Finally, I uploaded A Happily Ever After of Her Own on Amazon Kindle. Several people asked me about its availability in the Kindle format, and I decided to just go ahead and do it. It's still available on my site for free to my newsletter subscribers, but if you want the convenience of reading it on your Kindle, you can get it. (Unfortunately Amazon doesn't allow individual authors to give away stuff via Kindle, so I had to price it at ninety-nine cents, the lowest allowable.)

Later this month I plan to give away a copy of Kate Pearce‘s Kiss of the Rose, the first book in her Tudor Vampire Chronicles. Vampires in Henry VIII's court — what more can paranormal and/or historical fans can ask for?

Stayed tuned for your chance to win!

(FYI – The giveaway is open to anybody anywhere in the world. I don't have any author copies or ARCs; BookDepository will ship a copy to the winner when Kiss of the Rose is released.)

Confession of a Worldbuilding Junkie

Today I have a special guest. Please welcome Kait Nolan. :) Her paranormal romance Forsaken by Shadow is out in ebook now!

Forsaken by Shadow

FORSAKEN BY SHADOW by Kait NolanBanished from their world with his memory wiped, Cade Shepherd doesn't remember his life as Gage Dempsey, nor the woman he nearly died for. But when Embry Hollister's father is kidnapped by military scientists, the only one she can turn to is the love from her past. Will Gage remember the Shadow Walker skills he learned from her father? If they survive, will Embry be able to walk away again?

Sample the first three chapters free!

Buy: Scribd, Smashwords, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, the iBookstore

Confession: I am a world-building junkie and have been longer than I've been writing paranormal romance.

In my prior genre, romantic suspense, I spent a lot of time (LOT of time) researching police procedure, forensics, FBI policy and the like. Writing predominantly about serial murder, I was really concerned with “getting it right” because God forbid I write something and have a professional stumble across it and not take me seriously. I bought tons of books. Two full shelves in my office are devoted to textbooks on forensics, pathology, homicide, serial killers, and psychological profiling. How many people do you know who'd buy a copy of Practical Homicide Investigation as their own birthday present? I wrote people to ask questions, lurked in forums trying to get answers. And while all that was totally fascinating to me (uber-geek here), it really bogged down the writing and held me back. All of that was a kind of world-building, and it was my absolute junkie nature that was allowing it to take over and let the story fall to the wayside.

Moving back into the paranormal (surprise! That's what I was writing when I started way back in the day) was an attempt to free myself of the obsession. Yes, in any kind of paranormal or fantasy story world building is essential, but the primary difference is that I make the rules. Instead of having to obsess over whether current day FBI would actually get involved in a serial murder in our post-9/11 society (probably not), I can do anything I want as long as I stay within the bounds of the rules I create for my world. The possibilities are limitless, and I admit, totally play into my God complex. Didn't you know a lot of writers have a God complex?

Of course, being me, I couldn't give up my obsession with the FBI, so I did the next most logical thing: I created my own. Except rather than going all X-files and making a division that investigated the paranormal in our own world, I created a group that deal with the laws governing the paranormal world. The Investigation and Enforcement Division are responsible for — as the name implies — the enforcement of paranormal laws and investigation of crimes in the Mirus (my term for the broader paranormal) world. They're under the command of the Council of Races (imagine a paranormal United Nations as the ruling body of the Mirus). Also under the Council's command are the Shadow Walkers, the Special Ops Force of the paranormal world, who are able to manipulate and travel by shadow. All these groups have methods and procedures, of course, but since I make the rules myself, I don't get bogged down in whether or not it's “right”.

The prevailing question of the series is what happens if their greatest law — keeping their existence a secret from the humans — were broken on a large scale? What happens if a whole faction of the Mirus world actively seek to start the apocalypse? Not the traditional Christian idea of apocalypse with angels and demons and the 4 horsemen, mind you, but rather a literal apocalypse — a lifting of the veil between the human and paranormal world. As much as I enjoy writing a good serial murder, I have to admit that this kind of world, this kind of setup gives me a lot more room to play.

Now that I've got you curious about my world (I hope), this is the part where I plug my book. Your sneak peek into the Mirus world comes in the form of my debut paranormal romance novella, Forsaken By Shadow. It starts when IED Agent Embry Hollister finds out that her father has been captured by human military scientists — and the Council has no intention of mounting a rescue mission. She'll do anything, break any rule to free him. Ultimately the only person she can turn to for help is her father's protégé and her old flame, Gage Dempsey, who was banished from their world a decade before with his memory wiped. He's built a whole new life for himself as Ultimate Fighting Champion Cade Shepherd and doesn't even remember Embry exists. All Embry has to do is find him, restore his memory, convince him to take on this suicide mission, help him regain his abilities as a Shadow Walker, and if they survive in the end, walk away again to protect him from the world that wants him dead. She can do that…right?

Forsaken By Shadow is available for $1 at Scribd, Smashwords, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and the iBookstore.

Kait's writing blog Shadow and Fang
Kait's cooking blog Pots and Plots
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