What They Do and What They Really Mean

I was going to blog about something else, but I just couldn't stop myself from saying something about the ridiculous situation in Bell, CA.

In case you didn't know, California and all its cities are suffering from massive budget shortfalls. In Bell's case, it appears that the obscene pay to public officials is a big contributing factor to the budget crisis.

LA Times reports in two parts:


The report shows that community services, including social services and recreation programs, were cut by 21%, or $593,438, while public safety took a 3.7% hit, or $228,888. Police training was whacked by 58%.

The salaries of [City Admin Officer] Rizzo, [Police Chief] Adams and Assistant City Manager Angela Spaccia are equal to about 10% of Bell's $15.9-million general fund budget.


…the city's top officials received some of the highest municipal wages in the nation. City Administrative Officer Robert Rizzo made $787,637 a year, almost twice the salary of President Obama; Police Chief Randy Adams made $457,000, 50% more than Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck; and Assistant City Manager Spaccia made $376,288, more than the top administrator for Los Angeles County.

All three resigned last week.

I really hope it doesn't end with their resignations because it's an empty gesture.

They got to keep their ridiculous pay (almost twice what we pay our commander-in-chief!) and as far as I can tell, they'll be able to get their pensions when they reach retirement age. This is the biggest F-you to the people Rizzo, Adams and Spaccia can come up with on their way out. (Oh, BTW — Rizzo has been collecting that big pay from the city for fifteen years!)

And to further illustrate how outrageous their pay was — the population of Bell is about 38,000. No, that's not a typo. It's only 38,000.

If Bell had paid just those three half of what they made, the city would've saved $810,462.50 this year. That's enough to preserve the funding for community services for the residents, and it would have almost no impact on the funding level for public safety. Now this is just those three. Who knows how many hundreds of thousands of dollars could've been saved if the city hadn't overpaid other public official fat cats.

Nothing short of a full investigation, and new laws with claw-back features will stop public officials from pulling this kind of stunt again.

The Law of Unintended Consequences

I've been on a bit of a YA reading binge recently. Okay, that really means I read like four YAs in a row, which to some of you may not be a lot, but is to me, especially since I'm in the midst of a big brain-draining revision. (I love revision, though it's grueling, thank you very much!)

Anyway, in some of them, the setup of the world (I read mostly paranormal and/or SF YAs) makes me snort out loud. It's primarily because the authors say their world has this set of rules or that, but none of them adequately address the unintended consequences of each set of rules.

Since I'm feeling lazy, I'll copy-paste Wikipedia's definition:

In the social sciences, unintended consequences are outcomes that are not (or not limited to) the results originally intended by a particular action. The unintended results, not recognized by the actor, may be positive or negative. The concept has long existed, but was named and popularised in the 20th century by the American sociologist, Robert K. Merton. The law of unintended consequences is an adage or idiom warning that an intervention in a complex system invariably creates unanticipated and often undesirable outcomes.

Unintended consequences can be grouped into roughly three types:

  • a positive unexpected benefit, usually referred to as serendipity or a windfall.
  • a negative unexpected drawback, occurring in addition to the desired effect of the policy – e.g. while irrigation schemes do provide people with water for agriculture, they often increase waterborne disease which can a have a devastating negative health effect, such as schistosomiasis.
  • a perverse effect, that may be contrary to what was originally intended (i.e. when an intended solution to a problem only makes the problem worse). This situation can arise when a policy has a perverse incentive and causes actions contrary to what is desired.

Every new policy and rule almost always changes the characters' individual motivators and artificially creates winners and losers. For a example, outsourcing manufacturing in the States made a lot of goods very cheap, so consumers won, but many who worked in factories in America lost their jobs. (This is a big oversimplification, but you get the idea.) The new economic dynamics caused a strong downward pressure on blue-collar workers' wages and standard of living, among various other unintended consequences.

So I find it hard to buy into a scenario when every new rule, etc. does exactly what it was designed to do. It feels like the author just doesn't understand how economic incentives work or doesn't want to dig deeper than the surface.

P.S. As for the cartoon…I kinda feel that way about the way our government officials tried to help the small folks on Main Street.

Peanut Friday Cuteness

I'm the master of stealth…

Peanut hiding

Oh…crap! I'm stuck! How do I get outta here again…?

Peanut stuck

Oh wait! Forget water. I feel the presence of the Hand from the Sky. (Hand from the Sky = hamster's understanding of generous human hands that give him treats…)

Peanut thinking about food

I'm here! Food, food! Gimme gimme gimme!

Peanut gimme

Not Going to Conference Conference

NGCC 2010

Not forking out the dough for the RWA Conference this year, with evening wear, suits, high heels and whatever “business casual” means?

Not to worry! Romance Divas is hosting the

Not Going to Conference Conference…

The Conference You Don't Have to Get Out of Bed For!

From July 28-31, come hang out with some terrific, savvy authors — and you don't even have to brush your teeth (although, seriously, good dental hygiene gets you extra points.)

We'll be hosting panels on:

The Power of Three: A crit group tell-all (Paranormal)

The Lolitas of STEAMED! Present Writing the Steampunk Romance — more than leather corsets and brass goggles!

Whips, Chains, Slings, Oh My: It Really Isn’t About the Toys (BDSM Erotica)

The Great Big YA Panel

Register for free at Romance Divas, then come join us on the forums for the discussions, as well as some terrific prizes:

Eden Bradley/Eve Berlin:
1) erotic e-books, THE SEEKING KISS and TEMPT ME TWICE.
2) a synopsis critique in any sub-genre of erotica/erotic romance.

Jax Cassidy:
1) erotic e-books, DEVIL'S HEART and BRUSH STROKES.
2) book cover design or banner ad

Kristen Painter: copy of her e-book, ALL FIRED UP

Rhonda Stapleton:
1) STUPID CUPID YA Book trilogy
2) a proposal critique (1st 3 chapters and synopsis) for any genre of book, romance or not

K.B. Alan:
1) The choice of one of her e-books: PERFECT FORMATION, ALPHA TURNED or BOUND BY SUNLIGHT.
2) A $25 Barnes and Noble gift card.


AJ Chase: copies of e-book CAT AND MOUSE

Inez Kelly:
1) e-book package of both MYLA BY MOONLIGHT and SALOME AT SUNRISE
2) The complete Dirty Laundry Series (3 e-novellas) co-written by Ginny Glass aka Wordsugar and Inez Kelley

Kate Pearce:
1) a three chapter ~and~ synopsis critique-any erotic romance, paranormal romance or historical romance.
2) Winners choice, in either print or e-book format (if available), of a set of the Simply series (there are 5) ~or~ a set of the Cowboys (there are 3) ~or~ a copy of KISS OF THE ROSE — readers choice.

R.G. Alexander: Winners choice of any two e-books from her Samhain or Ellora's Cave back list

Nadia Lee: Critique of 1st chapter & synopsis-paranormal or contemporary romance

Shelley Munro: Winners choice of any one her backlist books from Ellora's Cave or Cerridwen Press

Ciar Cullen: Winner's choice of any one e-book on her website.

Voirey Linger: A copy of her e-book RISKING ETERNITY

RF Long:
1) a submission package critique (letter, synopsis and 3 chapters)
2) e-books! (details TBA)

Crystal Jordan:
1) 1st chapter and synopsis critique
2) One copy of any e-book off her Samhain backlist (http://samhainpublis…/crystal-jordan)
3) One copy of IN THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT (print or electronic, winner's choice)

Jeannie Lin:
1) a first chapter critique, any genre
2) an official BUTTERFLY SWORDS souvenir charm

Elise Logan: Winner's choice of any e-book from her backlist

Marguerite Labbe:
1) A critique of an m/m story
2) Signed copies of her m/m vampire trilogy MY HEART IS WITHIN YOU, HAUNTED BY YOUR SOUL and OUR SACRED BALANCE

Seeley DeBorn: One jar of home made body or face scrub, customized to the winner's preferences and skin type. For example: Orange Spice Oatmeal, Coffee-Cocoa, Citrus Salt, Lavender Mint, Honey and Flax

Sela Carsen: a copy of her e-book CAROLINA WOLF

Hailey Edwards:
1) a copy of her sweet fantasy romance ebook, EVERLONG.
2) two five dollar MBaM gift cards

Charlotte McClain: Copy of her two e-books, LOVE TO DECLARE and ROCK STAR'S RETREAT

Cynthia Justlin (Golden Heart Finalist!): Proposal Critique (3 Chapters and synopsis)-any genre other than erotic

Lainey Bancroft:
1) signed copies of her contemporary romance, THE TROUBLE WITH TESSA and her chick lit romance COZUMEL KARMA
2) Proposal critique (3 chapters and a synopsis) any genre except Steampunk

Tina Burns-Publisher-Liquid Silver Books:
1) a critique of 1st 3 chapters & synopsis
2) 3 be-book prizes for 3 different winners! Winners choice of any one e-book download from LSB library.

Mima: Winner's choice of one e-book from her backlist-see her website for booklist.

Taneasha: handmade jewelry by our own Taneasha-details to come!

Barbara Sheridan:
1) Winners choice of one e-book from her backlist-see her website for booklist.
2) Critique of up to 20 pages of either M/M, or M/F romance or erotic romance in various subgenres (contemporary, historical, paranormal or suspense/mystery)

David Bridger: A copy of his ebook BEAUTY AND THE BASTARD

Victoria Janssen: 3 print books TBA (whatever she finds at the RWA Conference)

Gemma Halliday: Signed copy of SCANDAL SHEET

Jennifer Leeland/Jennifer McKenzie:
1) copy of her e-book MARKED FOR PLEASURE (Kindle version available upon request)
2) copy of her e-book MARKED FOR DESIRE (Releasing June 29th) (Kindle version available upon request)
3) copy of her e-books The Command Series (Trilogy)
4)copy of her BDSM e-book series (3 from TWRP and 1 from Samhain)

Emily Ryan-Davis:
1) Critique of novella-length (up to 30k) manuscript; any time period, m/f, menage, f/f (m/m not her area of expertise)
2) signed print copies of her anthology: MATING CALL, DRAGON DANCE and DRAGON BOUND
3) e-book copy of CHANGING THUMBELINA

Sabrina Darby:
1) Signed copy of her erotic historical novel, ON THESE SILKEN SHEETS
2) Critique of first thirty pages of any Regency (erotic or non erotic fine, but m/m outside my area of expertise)

Alina Morgan:
1) copy of her e-book The Twilight Deception
2) copy of her e-book The Shadow Unveiled

Debbie Mumford:
1) Critique of a synopsis
2) Winner's choice of any e-book from her back list.

Kimberly Troutte:
1) copy of her e-book SOUL STEALER
2) copy of her e-book CATCH ME IN CASTILE

Sasha Devlin: 1 pair of hand made writing mitts or gloves-style and color TBD by the winner

Julia Knight Winner's choice of one copy of any of her books available in e-book format

THE HUNGER GAMES by Suzanne Collins

THE HUNGER GAMES by Suzanne CollinsThe Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is by far the best novel I've read this year. I don't really care that much for dystopian books because they tend to be very boring and/or unrealistic. But The Hunger Games was just perfect. It actually made me believe that such a future is very possible in America.

The book's fast-paced, immediate and pretty violent, but nothing unsuitable for teens. Recommended highly.

Grab your copy at Amazon or BookDepository or your favorite store.


Katniss is a 16-year-old girl living with her mother and younger sister in the poorest district of Panem, the remains of what used be the United States. Long ago the districts waged war on the Capitol and were defeated. As part of the surrender terms, each district agreed to send one boy and one girl to appear in an annual televised event called, “The Hunger Games.” The terrain, rules, and level of audience participation may change but one thing is constant: kill or be killed. When Kat's sister is chosen by lottery, Kat steps up to go in her place.

Exercise: It Does a Body Good

I Duz Yoga Ta Relax

Usually I feel like exercising is a big waste of time. It's probably because I feel like I could be doing something else during that time. It's doubly true because I've stopped exercising to lose weight. (Exercising — alone — to lose weight doesn't really work because diet determines at least 50% of your weight loss endeavor, and I haven't wanted to diet for a while.)

But recently, I've noticed that when I do go to the gym and spend a lot of time stretching and doing prehab work, I just feel so much better. I've been feeling some significant neck and back pain, and an hour of stretching and ball exercises really loosens up the knots in my back.

So if you're feeling tight in the back, have a stiff neck and so on, why not try stretching for half an hour? Your body may thank you.