Happy Late V-Day Dinner for Me and Hero Material

Hero Material and I couldn't have our V-Day dinner on Feb 14 because I was sick. So we went today to a lovely French bistro owned by locals. Their desserts are to die for. I don't usually like chocolate mousse or cheese cake, but their stuff is just perfect: super rich without being heavy or overly sweet.

oven fresh warm bread


soup, shellfish and pate platter

crisp grilled fish with herb

tangerine sherbet

grilled pork with red wine sauce

raisin bread, cheese and fig

pure dark chocolate with berry syrup

dessert platter

peanut and honey crisp with caramel

How did you celebrate V-Day?


Happy Valentine's Day!

For those of you who subscribe to my newsletter, check your inbox for a hot little present from me! :)

And now, the other news —

Destiny Entwined is on sale!


When her lover Theseus deserts her on an island, Princess Ariadne of Crete wishes to forget her betrayal-filled past. Dionysus answers her prayers, seducing her with his godly wiles and delivering mind-shattering ecstasy. However, when he reveals that she's his bride as foretold in a prophecy, she has to take a leap of faith, once more leaving her heart vulnerable to another, or live out the rest of her life on the island alone.

Length: Short Story

Black Sun Reviews called it “…the perfect bite-sized erotic romance…”

Some Like It Hot also gave it an excellent review: “…an erotic undertaking that revels in the lush setting of the Greek gods…”


Make me forget.

The pounding of the waves arching and crashing into the beach was her only answer. Ariadne clutched the tunic tighter around herself as the howling wind pushed her toward the sea. Perhaps the engulfing water would erase the memories of her foolishness.

I want to forget.

“Do you? Truly?”

She swiveled her head and turned toward the voice, which was as dulcet as honeyed nectar. The sapphire linen, damp and clinging, tangled around her ankles, robbing her of balance, but all her senses focused on the stranger.

Hair the color of the richest loam whipped in wild abandon around his perfectly chiseled face. The heat from his body beckoned her, and she gripped his arms, felt the corded strength of lean muscles. Despite the wind heavy with brine, he smelled like woods and vines, with a sweet tang of ripe grapes before harvest. Finally she registered a powerful hand supporting her back, preventing her from collapsing into the water and sand in an undignified heap.

He smiled, just a slight curve of his full lips. They looked so soft in such an unyielding face. “I can bring an end to care and worry. Make you forget.” The corners of his eyes crinkled, a wicked temptation dancing in their depths. “Isn't that what you long for?”

The power radiating from him said he could give her what she'd been praying for. Ariadne swallowed, trying to keep a ready word of assent from rising. Who was this man anyway?


The name brushed over her mind, settled like a silken sheet. His mouth traced her jaw, then stopped near her ear. “Say yes, Adriane, and I'll free you from all your burdens.”

Memories rolled like a series of murals. Only her intercession had enabled the hero Theseus to kill the Minotaur and find his way back from the depths of the labyrinth. Yet after achieving his victory he'd tossed her aside on this uninhabited isle like a sack of provisions gone bad. His betrayal had killed their love, but it hadn't been able to obliterate her guilt. She too had committed a betrayal; the stony face of her father as he'd gazed upon his slain pet, then banished her from Crete sliced her anew, made her bleed.

“Yes,” she whispered finally. A punishing wave rushed onto the beach, slapped her on her calves before dissolving into icy foam. She gasped. “Make me forget.”

Dionysus's arms tightened around her, his gaze cold on the ocean. “I will, love. I will.”

He carried her away from the reach of the sea, holding her tenderly as though she were a delicate flower rather than a fully grown woman. A golden chariot drawn by four enormous leopards stood on a large slab of granite several feet away. Dionysus set her inside, her heart pounding, and signaled the beasts.

They pulled the cart toward the forest, sand puffing under their mighty paws. Dionysus leaned back and toyed with her hair and shoulders, touching her with a silent assurance of sensual pleasures to come. Blood rushed through Ariadne, and she felt warm and light despite her fear. A mortal lover had thought her lacking and turned his back on her. Could she satisfy a god? What if she couldn't be what he desired?

“Don't be afraid,” Dionysus murmured against her bare shoulder, making her quiver, making her aware of the surroundings whipping past them as his mighty leopards surged into the forest. “I won't make you do anything you don't want.”

She believed him. Despite his reputation for licentious madness, there was a core of honesty and clarity in him that said he was in complete control.

And even if she were to repeat the mistake of misjudging another, what would it matter? She'd at least experience the heights of ecstasy, and who would that hurt? Dionysus had a habit of destroying kingdoms on a whim, but what realm could suffer when she was no longer a princess, exiled and abandoned on this deserted island?

You can buy your very own copy from All Romance EBooks, Amazon Kindle US, Amazon Kindle UK, B&N Nook or Smashwords.

Review: A Happily Ever After of Her Own

A HAPPILY EVER AFTER OF HER OWN by Nadia LeeSoleil Noir of Black Sun Reviews has written a lovely review of A Happily Ever After of Her Own:

I'm quite impressed by how well the author developed Melinda and the Beast’s chemistry in the limited amount of time they had together without it giving off a “rushed” feel. The novella has a very wistful feel about, very much an escapist read… For any lover of Fairy Tales and those of us who always wonder “What Happens after Happily Ever After?”

Read A Happily Ever After of Her Own Excerpt
Buy: All Romance EBooks :: Kindle US :: Kindle UK :: Nook :: Smashwords

“How to Format Your Manuscript for Kindle and Nook” on Smashwords

How to Format Your Manuscript for Kindle and Nook by Nadia LeeI've been getting lots of inquiries about how I convert my manuscripts to Kindle or Nook recently. So yesterday, I put up a step-by-step guide for formatting your manuscript on Kindle and Nook entitled (appropriately enough) How to Format Your Manuscript for Kindle and Nook on Smashwords. It's an expanded version of my blog post on the same topic. Since I wrote that post, I've done three more conversions and learned a lot from each experience. I wanted to share lessons learned, tips, etc. to make it as easy as possible for people to follow along and create an ebook that has a cover, table of contents and so on. (I don't like ebooks that come without a cover, though in some cases it can't be helped.)

The guide assumes that you have some basic knowledge of HTML, such as tags for paragraphs, headings and italics. But you don't need to code from scratch since the guide contains lots of snippets of code that you can easily copy and paste. (It's all done for you!) This should prevent any odd errors due to typos, etc. In addition, my understanding is that Smashwords allows buyers to download updated versions for free, provided that the author replaces the old file with the new one. I wanted everyone to be able to access the latest version easily, should I make any changes. (I'm pretty sure I will as I discover new features, shortcuts, etc.)

P.S. You need a MS Windows computer to use the guide. One of the freeware programs needed to do the formatting isn't available on Mac. Sorry, Mac users! If and when I find a suitable Mac freeware, I'll definitely update the guide and let you know.


I just put Destiny Entwined and Carnal Secrets on All Romance eBooks for preorder in PDF, epub, mobipocket and MS Reader. Unfortunately, Kindle and PubIt do not allow preorders at this point. *sigh*

Erotic Paranormal Romance
February 14th, 2011

Destiny Entwined

When her lover Theseus deserts her on an island, Princess Ariadne of Crete wishes to forget her betrayal-filled past. Dionysus answers her prayers, seducing her with his godly wiles and delivering mind-shattering ecstasy. However, when he reveals that she's his bride as foretold in a prophecy, she has to take a leap of faith, once more leaving her heart vulnerable to another, or live out the rest of her life on the island alone.

Soleil Noir from Black Sun Reviews called it “the perfect bite-sized erotic romance”.

Read Excerpt & Preorder

The story is also going to be a Valentine's Day present to my newsletter subscribers. Sign up before February 14th if you'd like a copy delivered to your inbox for free.

Email *

First Name*

Contemporary Romance
March 1st, 2011

Carnal Secrets

After a rapid change in management, Natalie Hall is surprised to find that she's being promoted so quickly. But when it becomes obvious that the new CEO is interested in her on a more personal level, she pushes him away — she doesn't want to repeat her past mistake of giving her heart to the wrong man.

A self-made billionaire, Alex Damon has his own reasons for pursuing Natalie. Her adoptive father, a powerful U.S. senator, is using his political clout to protect his friends the Rodales, who Alex intends to destroy for ripping his own family apart when he was a child. Furthermore, he suspects that Natalie is spying for the Rodales.

What he hasn't planned on is her unflinching sense of loyalty and integrity, the sizzling attraction between them that threatens to turn into something much more, and the dark secrets that can destroy them both.

Read Excerpt & Preorder

BTW — Yesterday, I got an email from a reader asking me which of my works is interracial romance. So in case anyone else is curious, it's Carnal Secrets. Heroine Natalie Hall is Asian American. :)

Hot Romance for February

Wow, I can't believe January is already over! Time sure flies. This winter's been soooo cold! I ordered a cookbook from BookDepository, and hopefully it'll get here soon, so I can try some delicious recipes to keep me and Hero Material warm.

I have two big news items for February that I want to share with you:

One, Amanda Bonilla, Shawntelle Madison, Sandy Williams and I launched Magic and Mayhem Writers, a new urban fantasy/paranormal group blog. There are lovely giveaways, interesting guests, thought-provoking posts and much much more. Definitely stop by and say hello.

Two, I'm releasing a short erotic retelling of Ariadne and Dionysus's romance, entitled Destiny Entwined, on February 14th on All Romance eBooks, Amazon Kindle, B&N Nook and Smashwords.

DESTINY ENTWINED by Nadia LeeWhen her lover Theseus deserts her on an island, Princess Ariadne of Crete wishes to forget her betrayal-filled past. Dionysus answers her prayers, seducing her with his godly wiles and delivering mind-shattering ecstasy. However, when he reveals that she's his bride as foretold in a prophecy, she has to take a leap of faith, once more leaving her heart vulnerable to another, or live out the rest of her life on the island alone.

Read Excerpt »

The story is also going to be a Valentine's Day present to my newsletter subscribers. Sign up before February 14th if you'd like a copy delivered to your inbox for free, and please let all your hot-romance-loving friends know. :)

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