Free Book Week at Carina Press!

Every weekday, all week, Carina is offering a spectacular title for free download. And when they say free, they mean ACTUALLY free. Not “sorta free”, or “free with a $50 purchase” free, but actually, totally, no strings attached FREE! So, get thee to Carina Press to download a free book every day! Here are the books being offered, and the links and promo codes for your free download. Just type in the code when you check out.

Monday: The Debutante's Dilemma by Elyse Mady

Tuesday: Demon's Fall by Karalynn Lee
Promo code: DEMONFREE

Wednesday: The Twisted Tale of Stormy Gale by Christine Bell

Thursday: Blue Galaxy by Diane Dooley
Promo code: GALAXYFREE

Friday: Friendly Fire by Megan Hart


Ah…The Boy

Not Coming Out

Today is my official due date, but it's already 8:00 p.m. and the Boy shows no sign of coming out.

This comes after the preterm labor scare / talk on March 8, which totally freaked me out. The doctor prescribed some medicine to prevent contractions, put me on a modified bed rest until I hit at least Week 32, and told me to relax and take it easy for the baby's sake. I couldn't even ride my bike anymore (which I liked doing from time to time to go grocery shopping or meet friends, etc.). He said if things looked worse, I'd have to be hospitalized. That totally wasn't what I wanted, so I did as he asked.

Now that I've hit the full forty weeks, the irony of the situation isn't lost on me. Hero Material told me it's because I followed the doctor's instructions well, so I shouldn't be too unhappy. Sweetly enough, he regularly rubs my back. (The PT sessions I get just aren't enough.) He even offered to rub my back last night at around 5 a.m. because I kept turning to find a comfortable position.

I can totally sympathize with women who told me they were more than ready to perform C-sections on themselves. I actually suggested that, and Hero Material said, “Umm…a kitchen knife may not be the best idea…Here, let me rub your back, how about that?”

I'm seeing my doctor tomorrow morning. Hopefully he'll tell me something good…like, “Hey, the Boy's ready to come out now!”

Carina Press 1st Anniversary!

Carina Press

Today I have Angela James, the Executive Editor from Carina Press, to share her experience at Carina and what she's learned.

Angela JamesIn celebration of our one year anniversary, I asked as many of our Harlequin team members and Carina Press freelance editors as possible to write a short blog post, talking about what the past year or so has been like for them, working on Carina Press. I deliberately didn't provide any direction other than that, because I wanted to see what people came up with, in the spirit of Carina's 1st anniversary. I was so pleased when I saw what they'd all come up with, and had to say (and some of these posts made me just a little teary)! I hope you enjoy the post, and look for your opportunity to win a Carina Press book at the bottom of this post. ~Angela James

I wasn't going to do a post on an author blog, because I wrote the anniversary post for the Carina Press blog. But when I went to write that post, I discovered there was a LOT to say and it made the post kind of long to include all of this. So thanks to Nadia, who kindly agreed to host me, I get the privilege of having two blog posts today!

So what did I learn this year? Ha! That I have a lot to learn. I swear, some days I feel like I know absolutely nothing about the industry, authors or how publishing works. I feel just as green as I did on the very first day I started editing almost a decade ago.

I learned that I hate packing for trips as much today as I did a year ago, and I've not gotten any better at packing “light”. People who can travel with one teeny, tiny, half-size carry-on are mutants. I'm convinced.

I've learned patience. I'm an impatient person by nature. If I have an idea, or a concept, or a thought flitting through my head, I want to jump on it and do it now. That's not quite as easy at a larger corporation like Harlequin. We're not quite so nimble as some of the smaller folks. Oh, we get things done and make things happen, just not quite as quickly as my impatient nature liked. So I've learned patience (well, having a six-year-old daughter has helped with that too)

I've learned that while I'm a good editor, and I miss editing, I'm also a pretty darn good administrator, boss, presenter and task-master. I knew I had what it takes to build an imprint, but I really feel like I've proven it to myself again.

And holy cow, I've been reminded how important a good team is. From the Carina Press acquisitions team, to the freelance editors, I'm surrounded by talented, hard-working, dedicated people. I have been so very fortunate in my co-workers and freelancers, and some of them have become very good friends who listen to my phone and email rants without complaining. Without the talent of this group, Carina Press would not exist today. I get a lot of the glory because I'm out in front, but I've worked to try and make sure you all see who's behind the scenes, actually making it happen. Thanks to all of them, and the wonderful, wonderful authors who've trusted us with their books, today we have Carina Press!

Speaking of the authors, I've learned that they can come together to be enthusiastic and supportive of each other, and their publisher, in a pretty awesome way. I wish each of you could see the brainstorming and goodwill that occurs on the Carina author loop. It's inspiring!

As I mention in the main Carina Press blog, I've discovered I love working for Harlequin. It's been a year and a half, and I feel so lucky to be working there every day. I'm fortunate to have not just one, but several wonderful bosses. Malle Vallik has been an incredible boss and mentor, and I look forward to the times we're together, when we can share a meal and a glass of wine, and talk not just about work, but about life. Loriana Sacilotto has been gracious and welcoming, making me feel as though Carina is just as important in its place in Harlequin editorial as any other imprint, and not just listening to my opinion on digital publishing, but also seeking it out. Last, Brent Lewis and Donna Hayes, who provided snippets for our Carina blog post today, have gone out of their way to let me know how much they value my skills.

But most of all, I've been reminded all over again how much I love digital publishing, and you know, learned to feel a little justified in all that preaching about the “digital dark side” that I've been doing for years.

Today's not just a celebration of all we've accomplished in the past year, but also a celebration of digital publishing in general, because without all of the readers, retailers, authors, and other industry people who've embraced digital publishing, I wouldn't be where I am today. So here's to all of you, thank you!

To celebrate Carina's one year anniversary of publishing books, we're giving away some prizes. Today, on each of the nineteen blogs our team members are featured on, we're giving away a download of a Carina Press book to one random winner (that's nineteen total winners!) All you need to do to be entered to win is comment on this post. You can enter to win on all nineteen posts. In addition, on the Carina Press blog, we're giving away a grand prize of a Kobo ereader and 12 Carina Press books of the winner's choice. Visit the Carina Press blog to enter to win, and to see links to all 19 of today's blog posts.

And a sincere thank you from all of us, to our readers and authors, for making Carina Press's first year a success!

Why I Love Book Bloggers and Reviewers

When I saw this tweet from one of the sweetest book bloggers and reviewers I know, I was incredibly sad.

I'm quickly reaching the conclusion that blogging, sharing thoughts about books isn't worth the hard work & heartache. :(

I don't know exactly what made her say it, but I wanted to let her and others who feel this way know that their dedication and love of reading and written words keep us writers going.

For me, writing a story is a solitary affair that can last months. Sometimes it's fabulous, sometimes it's hard. Then there's the post-publication period, when I wonder if anybody's reading my work.

I told someone — I think it was Pearl from Pearl's World of Romance — that publishing a book is like an audition. I'm in a dark auditorium, and I stand on the stage completely alone. I cannot see my audience at all (assuming I have one). A bright spotlight glares down on me. I'm performing, doing my best, to engage this audience I cannot see, hoping that something — anything — I'm doing hooks them. Makes them want to stay till the very end.

Then the reviews slowly start to trickle in. Book bloggers and Goodreads members start talking, and I know that at least I wasn't alone in that auditorium. Nobody likes a bad review, but even a bad review is better than being ignored, and can be used to make my next book better. And if I get flattering reviews, I savor them and keep them, so that when going gets really tough, or when I feel like quitting, I can go back and read those reviews and know that it's worth it for me to grit my teeth and chug along.

Perhaps it's selfish of me to want people like Lea to continue when they feel so down and sad about book blogging and reviews. I cannot ask that they continue if they derive no joy from their labor of love; writing thoughtful reviews is hard work. But I want them to know that I love them deeply and that they're appreciated.

June! June!

May was another fabulous month. My younger brother finally proposed to his sweetheart of 6+ years. (She said yes. :) ) And Carnal Secrets received the loveliest dual review from Stella and Lea at Book Lovers Inc. There's also an author interview plus a giveaway for Carnal Secrets on Book Lovers Inc, open to international readers, so if you'd like, enter before June 11th!

I'm going to be much more MIA during June. The Boy is due June 13…though he can come out any time between now until June 21-ish. I thought I was ready, but it looks like I still have so many things to do (mostly appointments and last minute shopping for baby things, etc.) before the Boy gets here. Soooooo busy!

A few people on Twitter and Facebook asked me to keep them updated on the labor, etc. I'll see what I can do. Maybe Hero Material can hijack my Twitter account briefly? Hmmm. (Unfortunately, he doesn't really get social media…)

Later this year, I'll start doing some giveaways to thank and support fellow writers who have been super nice and helpful to me. So what books are up for grabs?

Confessions of an Improper Bride by Jennifer Haymore
The Shadow Reader by Sandy Williams
Shaedes of Gray by Amanda Bonilla

July: a copy of Confessions of an Improper Bride by Jennifer Haymore. It's a fabulous historical romance, and Jennifer was instrumental in helping me publish Carnal Secrets. Without her, the story would still be languishing on my hard drive.

October: a copy of The Shadow Reader by Sandy Williams, an exciting urban fantasy debut by a fellow Magic and Mayhem Writers member.

November: a copy of Shaedes of Gray by Amanda Bonilla, another super urban fantasy debut by a Magic and Mayhem Writers member.

All giveaways are open to international readers, and books will be shipped by BookDepository regardless of your location. (Just to be clear, you're getting an unautographed final book, not an ARC or early copy.) If I can, I'll try to give ebooks to those who prefer e-copies, but I can't guarantee anything because it depends on geo res, DRM, your ereader, etc.

If you want to enter early, just subscribe to my newsletter. All confirmed subscribers get two entries automatically. (And I'll never share your information with anybody else, and you can unsubscribe any time.)

Later, I'll announce other ways to earn extra entries, such as tweets with special hashtags and so on.

P.S. I'm going to give away several copies of my own new urban fantasy, The Last Slayer, as well, either in late September or early October. And again, you get two automatic entries just for subscribing to my newsletter. :)

50% Memorial Day Weekend Rebate at All Romance eBooks

All Romance eBooks is offering a 50% Rebate on all purchase made via Paypal or credit card between 12:01 am on May 28 and 11:59 pm on May 30 (US/Central).

If you haven't bought a copy of Carnal Secrets, Destiny Entwined or A Happily Ever After of Her Own yet, you can take advantage of this promotion by clicking the links below:

Carnal Secrets by Nadia Lee

Carnal Secrets
Contemporary Romance
Regular Price: $3.97
After Rebate: $1.99
Buy Now

Destiny Entwined by Nadia Lee

Destiny Entwined
Short Story
Erotic Romance
Regular Price: $0.99
After Rebate: $0.50
Buy Now

A Happily Ever After of Her Own by Nadia Lee
A Happily Ever After of Her Own
Paranormal Romance
Regular Price: $2.99
After Rebate: $1.50
Buy Now