Bye Bye 2011!

The Last Slayer by Nadia LeeCan you believe it's already December?

I feel slightly nostalgic about 2011. On personal note, I had literally the biggest event of my life: the birth of the Boy. He's around six months old now, and soon he's going to have his first mashed-up bananas. I can't wait to see the expression he's going to make! :) He so loves to eat!

On the professional side, I released two books — Destiny Entwined and Carnal Secrets — and I'm going to have another one — The Last Slayer — out on December 26.

To promote The Last Slayer, I'm going to be guest blogging, doing interviews and giveaways, etc. Please check my blog, Twitter, Facebook, and/or Tumblr for the latest information. In a week or so, I'm also going to be giving a few copies to my newsletter subscribers. If you want to get the latest information about my books and be eligible for subscriber-only giveaways, sign up here!

Happy holidays, everyone!

Bye Bye 2011

* That's the Boy next to a giant banana display. I thought it was apt! :)

Happy November!

Oh gosh! It's already November! 2011 is so close to being over!

The Last Slayer preorder links went live on Amazon (US, UK, Germany, France) and BN on November 1. I went all squee over them. Although my editors, husband, son, relatives, friends, clerks at the local grocery store and general people in the neighborhood might disagree, I'm really very easy to please. :-)

And the production team from Carina Press sent me the final copy of The Last Slayer. It looks stunning in every way, and I'm really happy with how perfectly formatted it is. Thank you, everyone at Carina!

If you want to check out an excerpt, you can go here. If you sign up for my newsletter, I'll be sending out more excerpts in December before the official release date, plus you'll get updates on special contests and so on.

As for my plans for November, I've decided I'm going to be crazy and do NaNo. (I ever registered for it…) I'm not really trying to go for 50k. That's insane given all the stuff I have to do. But I'm trying to get as much as possible written for the sequel to The Last Slayer.

How about you? Anything fun happening? Are you doing NaNo this year?

Interview & Giveaway

Lynette interviewed yours truly and is hosting a giveaway of A Happily Ever After of Her Own. Go check it out! :)

Happy October!

I can't believe 2011 is now 75% over! Wow, where did all that time go?

So let's see what I've been up to…

The Last Slayer

THE LAST SLAYER by Nadia LeeI got a note that Audible picked it up, so it's going to be available as an audio book. That's super-exciting: my first audio book! I'll keep you updated.

Oh and in case you haven't seen it, here's the cover from Carina Press. The Art Department and Frauke Spanuth did an amazing job. I also love how Carina Press reworked the back cover blurb, incorporating the pitch paragraph from my cover letter and adding more to it.

The Last Slayer Sequel

I've titled it Thrones of Thorns for now. I wanted to the title to refer to some kind of element in the story, and I'll leave it up to you to imagine what that might be. It may change though…

This is the project I'm doing the 500 Words a Day Challenge with, and so far it's going very well. At this rate, I'll be done with the first draft by mid-December at the latest. I'll have to do a round of revision before I can show it to anyone for feedback, but this time I'm going to try sending it before drafting it millions of times. Usually that's what I do before showing my project to anybody… I can get a weeeee bit obsessive. But recently I realized that when I do that, I usually don't want to do further rounds of revision, incorporating everyone's comments, because just the idea of looking at the project one more time makes me feel ill. Which, if you think about it, is really unproductive and silly. So it's time for a Change In Process.

The Sekrit Assassin Project

I can't believe I'm still drafting it, but I am. (Don't judge me.) Anyway, I'm going to finish this draft before the year's over and send it to Agent. I don't think there's anything else I can do to this project that I haven't thought of, and it's about time she sees it.

On to non-writing stuff…

I can't wait for Dexter to start! W00t! It's one of my favorite shows, and I'm dying to meet this season's serial killer.

And here's the Boy, 3 months old. People have asked for a picture, and I finally got around to moving photos from my digital camera to the PC. The onesie is a special gift from his honorary Auntie May. (Maybe he'll grow up to be Spiderman…)

Sorry Girls

Have a great October, everyone!

Cover Reveal: The Last Slayer

Isn't this lovely?

The Last Slayer by Nadia Lee

The Last Slayer

Ashera del Cid is a talented demon hunter, but when she kills a demigod's pet dragon, the hunter becomes the hunted. Her only potential ally is Ramiel, a sexy-as-hell demon. Now the two must work together to battle dragons and demigods…and the chemistry crackling between them.

Ramiel has his own reasons for offering Ashera his protection. He knows her true identity and the real reason the demigods want her dead. What he can't predict is how she'll react when she discovers he knew who she was all along…

Ashera is shocked to discover that she is the only daughter of the last slayer. To claim her destiny, she and Ramiel must join forces to face down danger and outwit their enemies. Only then will she be able to truly accept her legacy…

Available on December 26, 2011 from Carina Press! :)

Hold on, September!

Can you believe September is already almost half over?

I just got done with The Last Slayer edits. So now I'm waiting to get the final e-author copy to plan marketing and promotion for the book. A part of that is doing guest blog posts. Yes, I'm volunteering! If you have a topic you'd like me to cover — inspiration, world-building, the business side of writing, etc. — please leave a comment or email me. (I'm also planning to do interviews as well. :) )

Speaking of The Last Slayer, I updated my book page with a first chapter excerpt. You can read it here. :)

Also, once I get the author copy, I'll give away about ten copies to my newsletter subscribers who are willing to read and review the book. If you want to be considered, feel free to sign up for my newsletter here.

This month I'm taking a workshop on sexual tension and continuing to work on the sequel to The Last Slayer. So far I have about 30% of it written, plus the synopsis. I can't wait to get it written and share it with you.

I hope all of you have a fabulous rest-of-September!