Archive for 'writing'

The Year of the Water Dragon Is Here!

Oh my gosh, I still can't believe it's already January. I keep thinking that it's still December 2011! I'm still getting used to writing 2012 in my date books and so on. How about you?

The Last Slayer by Nadia LeeI'm grateful that 2011 ended well with the release of The Last Slayer. It hit the Carina Press Most Popular list and continues to receive a very, very gratifying number of extremely positive reviews.

“A smashing debut to a thrilling new series!” — Ex-Libris

“…one of the best I've ever read…” — Booked Up

“A gripping plot, likeable characters, well written and imaginative…I give it five stars and urge all lovers of urban fantasy to read it, especially if you're into dragons.” — Tahlia Newland

“Sometimes I read a book and I'm left wanting more. The Last Slayer was one of those books. Nadia Lee's world of demons, demon hunters, and dragonlords was convincing, and I'm so glad that it's part of a trilogy because I can't wait to read more about Ashera's quest. This is one of those books that will appeal not only to fans of urban fantasy, but also to those who enjoy more traditional fantasy reads, so if you're in either one of those categories, you are in for a treat.” — All About Romance

“If you're looking for a genre-blender of fantasy, paranormal and urban fantasy, then I totally recommend this for you.” — Basia's Bookshelf

“…a little bit Urban Fantasy, a little bit Paranormal Romance, a little bit Fantasy and a lot of beautiful world building…looking forward to the next book…” — Buckeye Girl Reads

“With an engaging wise-cracking heroine and a smouldering hero, and epic fantastical tone, I highly recommend The Last Slayer if you fancy something new.” — The Book Pushers

“I adored this book. It was reminiscent of Nalini Singh's Guild Hunter meets Thea Harrison's Elder Races series. We have a kick ass heroine in a fascinating supernatural world featuring a hierarchy of dragons and demons. Can't wait to read more!” — The Raunch Dilettante

“I absolutely recommend it to people who like dragons, demons and sexiness!” — The Yearning Mermaid

“…an Arthurian good versus evil theme…light eroticism…vivid descriptions…a phenomenal amount of world-building… I enjoyed The Last Slayer very much.” — Book Lovers Inc

“I didn't know what to expect from this book when I started it but WOW this is a seriously good fantasy…is definitely going to leave you wanting more.” — Melanie, Goodreads

Whew! To say that I'm overwhelmed would be an understatement. I've been completely blown away by all the great things people are saying about this book. Thank you, thank you, everyone!

I'm going to do a few more guest blog posts and interviews, so please check my interview / guest blog post schedule for more information if you're interested. I'll be discussing a few behind-the-scenes stories and anecdotes, etc. Every single one of the guest blog posts features new material and information about how I wrote The Last Slayer and related topics.

Also, in case you missed the announcement earlier you can sample The Last Slayer from my website here.

Currently, I'm working on the sequel to The Last Slayer. It's going much more slowly than I'd like, but such is life. *sigh* At least I don't have to figure out everyone's eye color. (You can find out more about my eccentricity with eyes on Tori Book Fairy's blog on January 12th.)

I hope you all have a roaring good Year of the Dragon!

PSA: Watching Anime Does Not Equal Research!

I'm not sure what's up with books set in Japan these days. Or maybe I've been extremely unlucky. It's painfully obvious that the authors have never been to Japan, do not understand the culture and/or done all their research by watching anime (or perhaps reading manga).

The most recent one I bought made me livid. Even before I finished the first chapter, I came up with seven things wrong with the characters and setup. If it hadn't been an ebook, I would've returned it and demanded a refund.

Living in Japan does not make your character Japanese. Sipping green tea while eating sashimi does not make your character Japanese. Wearing kimono does not make your character Japanese. And for pity's sake, speaking broken Japanese in romanji does not make your character Japanese.

Got it?

Seriously…I'm never wasting my money again on a book set in Japan written by anime fangirls/boys.

The Things That Unblock Me

status: I feel awesome today! Weather's finally cooling down some. W00t!

Last night Hero Material and I went out. I was feeling restless because I was stuck on WIP. I had the basic story arc for my h/H, but I had no idea what was going on with my villain. After weeks of tinkering with the story, I was getting mighty frustrated.

So as we were sitting at a bar, I kept thinking about my story and suddenly blurted out, “Do you think you can salt human heads? You know, to preserve them for several years so you can give them to someone as presents?”

Hero Material looked totally grossed out. The piece of chicken between his chopsticks stopped moving toward his mouth, and he stared at me with a what-the-heck-are-you-talking-about expression on his face.

Oh that poor man.

But that little thing — salted human heads — got me thinking about other possibilities that I hadn't considered. Some members of Romance Divas gave me some pointers on how to preserve human heads as well. Special thanks to Kim Knox and Ayla for fabulous suggestions.

P.S. I'm glad nobody at the bar spoke English. Otherwise somebody might have called the police.

Row Row Row Your Boat

status: I'm almost done with the first major turning point in my story. W00t. :)

Over at Romance Divas, LaurenBethany posed an interesting question: Are you a drifter or a rower?

In other words, do you go with the flow or plan your writing career?

I've always been a rower. I've always set goals and went for them. But this year I've lost track of that. I've drifted, letting the currents take me where they may for months.

The biggest part of it was numerous disappointments I've had. They cut me deeper than the rejections I've received during my initial agent hunting phase. Perhaps I've had unrealistic expectations. Perhaps I've failed to insulate myself properly. These things have taken toll on my creativity. It's harder to write, harder to think and harder to stay focused. The more I obsess about the past disappointments, the more impossible it is to do what I needed to do.

If I don't row my boat, it's going to go wherever the currents go. Unfortunately the currents don't care about me. I do.

Now I'm focusing on small things that I can control. I'm learning how to control my pain (physical and mental), how to insulate myself to protect my Muse, yet at the same time how to relax and laugh at myself and have fun. Life is too short to wallow in misery. Though I've wasted a lot of time drifting, I want to grow tougher and prepare myself for whatever insanity life may throw at me in the future. Isn't that all anyone can do?

Wanna Write a Book in 2 Weeks?

I'm planning to do fast draft for my WIP 1st draft. Basically this is how it works for those of you who've never done fast draft before.

You write 20 manuscript pages* a day for 14 days. That's it. That's your fast draft. (For the math-impaired, you'll end up with a 280 page manuscript, which is about 70k, assuming that each page has 250 words.)

I'm going to start on August 15 and giving myself an extra day since I'm flying to Asia during that time. Anyone interested?

If so, comment here or tweet me @nadialee. I'm going to post my progress, etc. using #writegoal and #fastdraft.

* I use Courier 12 double-spaced, 25 lines per page.

Bikini, New Project, Earphones…Oh My!

Confidence is the weirdest thing ever. When I was in my early twenties, I was a size 4 but could never wear a bikini because I was too embarrassed at how “huge” I looked. (Because I was not a size 2…I know, I know…misguided youth!) I'm bigger now, but got myself a bikini anyway in a color I like. Figured life is too short to worry about a little bulge here and there so long as my bloodwork looks good (and it does; the doc joked that maybe I should eat more junk food or something). Besides, if anyone mocks the way I look in my new bikini, I can always feature him/her as a villain and/or a weasel in one of my stories.

Interestingly, not giving a damn about what other people think gives me more confidence and a sense of liberation. I'm not sure why I wasted so much of my youth worrying about fitting in. Guess it was just part of the growing up process.

On the writing front, I started the first draft of my new WIP. Much to May's surprise, I'm pantsing this draft. I've never really pantsed. Everything I've written had a clear outline, but I figured why not? Maybe I'll do better this way. I'll never know unless I try.

Oh BTW — Amazon is selling Altec Lansing UHP336 earphones for less than $40 which I think is a great price. I love the clarity and the beautiful sound. I can hear everything, every little base note, the cellos, etc. (I'm a very aural person, and I love listening to music when I write, etc.) The only bad thing is that it highlighted how inadequate iPods are for playing music. The earphone is very sensitive so it picks up every hiss, etc. from your audio unit (should you have a crappy one), and iPods produce the worst static and hiss. (Naturally, you won't notice anything if you use the meh “earbuds” that come with your iPods.) What a disappointment. iPod Touch was the worst even if the wifi off. So if I want to listen to music on it, I'm stuck with earbuds.

P.S. I googled the problem, thinking that maybe it was just my earphones, but actually a lot of audiophiles have noticed the same issue. *sigh*