| May 2014 |

What do you think?
| May 2014 |
Very badly!
I generally don’t have a title when I start writing. My poor cover artist! I don't know until I'm done with dev edits…or maybe in some cases until I'm done with line edits. The only book I had a title from the very beginning is Merry in Love (Meredith Lloyd's story — coming this winter), partly because it's so easy to have a little fun with the “in Love” pattern for the Hearts on the Line books, and Merry is a short form of Meredith…and the book is a holiday romance.
So…some of the tidbits about my titles. :)
Vengeful in Love was originally entitled Carnal Secrets.
Reunited in Love‘s working title was Temporarily in Love (I told you I suck at this…!).
Redemption in Love‘s working title was Anything But Divorce (I know… :sigh:)
Thankfully I have a great team of people helping me, so the final title usually isn't too terrible. :)
| May 2014 |
So when will we find out:
I get asked this a lot via PM, email or comments. So I decided to make a simple chart:
Book 1. Vengeful in Love (Alex Damon & Natalie Hall's romance) |
Book 2. Reunited in Love (Ethan Lloyd & Kerri Wilson's romance) |
Book 3: Redemption in Love (Gavin Lloyd & Amandine Monroe Lloyd's romance) |
Book 4: Sweet in Love (Pete Monroe & Brooke de Lorenzo) |
Book 5: Forever in Love (Blaine Davis & Catherine Fairchild) |
All the books are fine as standalone novels. Yes, there are some plot threads that don't always get resolved (like the embezzler thread that spanned four books), but there is no cliffhanger that makes you wonder, “Will they or won't they stay together?”
I think you'll enjoy it more if you read them in order, but it's not necessary. I hope this helps. :)
| May 2014 |
Many of you have asked me about who’s been stealing money from The Lloyds Development. The answer is revealed in this installment! :)
Catherine Fairchild fakes being perfect by keeping everyone at arm’s length. But her billionaire CEO husband’s bigamy shatters the illusory life she’s built, and vengeful in-laws want to send her to jail for embezzling from the failing family business. Desperate, she accepts an offer from a powerful friend: help him reconcile with his illegitimate son in return for protection. How hard can it be to dazzle a small town guy?
Small town bar owner Blaine Davis has zero interest in claiming his fifty million dollar trust fund or joining the family of a father he barely knows. He can never forgive his womanizing father for seducing his mother or forget the cruelty his father’s high-society wife inflicted on them. Catherine comes from the same rich and entitled background, but he starts to fall for her anyway. Can their fragile bond survive when the true reason for her presence in his idyllic little town is revealed and Blaine’s old wounds are re-opened?
Forever in Love is 372 pages long in print. Coming up next is Mark Pryce and Hilary Rosenberg this summer!
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print edition*:
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* Coming soon to Barnes & Noble and other book stores!
| May 2014 |
Okay, several people asked me about Jacob Lloyd. Mostly about whether or not I'm going to write a story about him and redeem him.
At this point, the answer is no, I have no plans to redeem him. He's such a jerk — bigamist, stole girlfriends from his youngest brother just to feel superior, ran the family business into the ground and verbally abused his wife.
The other thing is I have no clue what kind of woman:
a. would want to be with him, and
b. could change / reform him.
He has so many unforgivable flaws, you know?
OTOH — a lightning might strike and I might come up with the most perfect woman for Jacob. So I won't say never, but for now, I have no plans to write his story.
If have any questions about me, my writing, books, characters or anything else, feel free to drop me a line by leaving me a comment, using the contact form or via Facebook or Twitter. I reserve the right not to answer if the topic happens to be politics or religion. But anything else is more or less fair game. Thanks! :)
| Apr 2014 |
OK, I'm really sorry, but something went wrong with my Apple upload, and Forever in Love got released early. Except the copy that was uploaded was an un-proofed ARC, not the actual production copy. :(
I don't know what happened, and I'm really unhappy. But I have no one to blame but myself since I'm the one who uploaded the file.
I think it got fixed now, but I'm uploading the finished production copy to Apple. When the book goes live, you should be able to get the clean, finished copy. I'm very sorry about this. :(