Archive for 'Devil Falls'

Good-Bye 2008, Hello 2009!

mood: optimistic about the future
currently working on: All the King's Women outline; I have it almost figured out…!
currently reading: Iron Kissed by Patricia Briggs

2008 was long and difficult yet surprisingly interesting and rewarding as well.

On the writing front, the year started off with selling a book to Samhain so that's always fantastic. But the biggest accomplishment is of course signing with an agent. I also left a critique group, but I think in a way it was inevitable. I do miss many of the writers I met there. Oh, and I have a new pretty website. :)

On to the financial matters — my mom lost a ton of money thank to subprime. I wish she'd listened to me when I asked her to sit tight for another year before investing in the funds she was interested in. When you hear about banks raking in record profit from issuing more and more subprime loans, which are by nature very risky, you know there's something fishy going on, and that it's going to fall when weaker real estate markets start to lose their value one by one. I started the year with a ton of debt, but my venture investment paid off right before Christmas, so I'm starting the year with no debt (except the mortgage I have on my house) and some extra cash.

Talk about strange since I never expected to get any payment from the investment, given what's going on in the market.

My writing goals for 2009 are:

  1. Complete two manuscripts. I think I figured out what's wrong with All the King's Women and Nine. W00t!
  2. Read 52 books. Fiction, non-fiction, it doesn't matter. I just need to read to get more ideas and to recharge. I noticed that I didn't read all that much during the latter half of 2008, and it really affected my creativity.
  3. Take time off! I'm absolutely terrible at taking time off and relaxing. I always feel like I have to work or else. Of course this is unsustainable, and I do burn out and can't write for a month or two. Very unproductive. So I'm forcing myself to take two days a week off, along with major holidays, etc. Oh, I'm also making myself go to the gym three times a week at least.
  4. Read 2 how-to books (this does not count toward my goal #2) or take two online classes. I already signed up for a January class on how to not sabotage myself. I'm also eying another class on line edits because I think I can benefit from it.
  5. Write 2 blog posts a month. I'm terrible at blogging because I just forget at times. So I resolve to do better this year. :)
  6. Stop looking for and/or seek crit partners / groups. It's really not that I think I'm too good for feedback, but it takes a lot of time and energy to find a good crit group, and I've decided (after a long and careful consideration) that ROI would be better if I stick with the beta readers I have right now and spend the time I would've used to find good crit groups / partners on reading and taking classes. (BTW — this doesn't mean I don't want any CPs or anything if one happens to come my way, but I just won't be actively looking for them either.)
  7. Evaluate and identify all not-helpful-anymore loops, groups, etc. Resign from them by Jan 31. This is a must since I decided that I don't have time for them. I stayed with most of them because you “have to network” but I had to wonder networking isn't about being in a group that sucks up all your time but gives very little in return. I should know better (or else my management consulting professor would send me a stern note saying she taught me better than this).

How about everyone else? How was your 2008 and what are your goals for 2009?

Copyright Registration & NaNo

Devil FallsAs you know, Devil Falls is out. (Everyone, go buy a copy! ;) ) Samhain doesn't register copyright for the works it publishes, and so it was up to me to do it. And I did just now. It's very easy to do by going to and it only cost $35. (BTW — there's nothing fishy about Samhain not registering copyright for its authors. Samhain is a small press, and it doesn't have the kind of resources to do it for all the titles it publishes.)

Some may ask why I bothered. Or why I hadn't waited to see if it was worth it based on the sales data before I registered.

I did it for the same reason I got my Samhain contract reviewed by a literary attorney. This is business, and I wanted to do it right. There's a big difference between the kind of protection you can get by registering within three months of publication v. later (or not at all):

Registration within three months allows you to become eligible to receive statutory damages and legal costs and attorneys' fees from a copyright infringer.

…lots of other benefits that come with registration, like providing a public record of your copyright claim or that copyright registration is a prerequisite to bringing a copyright infringement suit. Sure, you can register your copyright later and then sue, but you'll end up paying a lot more to expedite the process since you'll want to immediately obtain an injunction against whoever is infringing your copyright.

Will I ever need the protection? I hope not, but you never know, and I prefer to have all my bases covered.

Now for more fun stuff….NANOWRIMO!!!!!

I'm planning to write 15 ms-formatted pages a day, five days out of a week, and write about 5 to 9 pages on the other two days. I think that's very reasonable.

So NaNo, here I come!

It’s Out! It’s Out!

Devil FallsGenre: Contemporary Romance
ISBN: 1-60504-220-X
Length: Category
Release Date: October 28, 2008
Publisher: Samhain Publishing, LTD

Buy It Extras

All he wants is silence. All she wants are answers.

Damien Kirk was once a world-renowned cellist, celebrated across five continents for his musical gift. Now he lives in self-imposed isolation on a small Caribbean island.

Biography writer Victoria Benedict is looking for a story…and she’s not the type to take no for an answer. Her appearance on his doorstep shatters his reclusive existence.

Determined to be rid of her, Damien demands a quid pro quo: a kiss for each answer to her interview questions. Her response is as arousing as it is unexpected. As Damien and Victoria escalate their sensual game of cat and mouse, Victoria discovers the passionate soul underneath Damien’s cold exterior…and a shocking story of secrets and betrayal.

Warning: This title contains the following: sex, scorching kisses, killer breakfasts, a hot tropical island and a happily ever after.


The storm had abated to a mere drizzle when Damien reappeared on the road. Victoria sighed with relief. Even though he was under an umbrella she could see that heightened color had infused his lean cheeks, and his quick strides as he approached warned her to tread carefully.

“Mr. Kirk—”

“Why are you still here?” he demanded.

“I need an interview.”

“Leave! Get out of here!”

A spark of anger kindled inside her. It was his fault that she was here in the first place. If he would have returned her phone calls, she wouldn’t have had to come all the way to Devil Falls to speak to him.

“Where do you suggest I go?”

He ground his teeth. “To. Your. Hotel.”

“There is no hotel on this island.” How could he not know that?

“Take the ferry then. Go back to America. You’re not welcome here!” he shouted.

“Mr. Kirk, please.” She pressed herself against the wet iron rods. “I need your help to write the book. Look, it’s an authorized biography, so you’ll have a say in what’s going to be between the covers. I won’t even have to bother you much. It’s almost done. I just need you to fill in some blanks.”

He looked at her, his eyes dark and mysterious under his umbrella. What she wouldn’t give to know what he was thinking.

“If you don’t cooperate, I’m going to write one anyway. An unauthorized version. Then I’ll get to write whatever I want. Without your input.”

Something flickered in his eyes and he smiled slightly, but she didn’t like the smile. It was different from the one she had seen so often in photographs, the pure and triumphant smile that had shone like the sun after his many brilliant concerts. This smile had an edge of cruelty to it.

“Feeble,” he said. “Your contract is for an authorized bio only, which my manager signed without my permission. I won’t let you write lies and speculation about me. I’ll have you sued for breach of contract.”

Victoria’s knuckles turned white on the bars. He’d called her bluff. She should’ve known better.

Time for Plan B.

Relaxing her hands, she shrugged.

“Then I’ll counter-sue.”

His eyes narrowed. “For what?”

“Breach of contract.”

“I didn’t sign any contract,” he said, enunciating the T’s very clearly. “My manager did. Without my permission. You can write her damn bio if you like.”

“But you still—”

“Goddamn it, I’ll fire her and sue her for gross negligence and breach of the contract she signed with me!”

Victoria bit her lower lip. She didn’t want Miranda to get in trouble over this. They’d been friends since college, and Miranda had contacted Victoria for the book even though she could easily have chosen a more famous and experienced writer.

Okay, Plan C.

“Well, it won’t matter. I’ll just sell an unauthorized bio to my editor. Trust me, with the public interest in you so high it’ll sell like hotcakes, especially when the media finds out why I couldn’t write the authorized version like I was supposed to.”

“Are you threatening me?”

“Not at all.” She gave him a bland smile. “Just stating the facts.”

Damien looked at her in silence for a long time. It was his move, so she said nothing. The rain had stopped and the sun came out again. After a time she started counting the drops of water that condensed, hung, and then fell off the gates. Finally he said, “I don’t want you coming into the house. It’s not even mine.”

If he thought that would deter her, he was in for a shock. “Fine. We can do it here.”

“How long is it going to last?”

She blinked. “Excuse me?”

“This interview. How long?”

“A week or so. No more than that.”

The ghost of a smile hovered at the corner of his lips, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “So you intend to camp out here for a week?”

She raised her chin, staring him full in the face. “If I have to.”

“You’re insane.”

She nodded. “It comes with age and ugliness.”

Irritation mingled with something softer flickered in his eyes. Finally he sighed. “I’ll let you come in, but you have to leave tomorrow morning.”

She opened her mouth to tell him she wasn’t leaving tomorrow but closed it without saying a word. Getting inside was the first step. Standing by Devil Falls’ gates and arguing with him wouldn’t solve her problems.

“What was that?” he asked.

Victoria frowned. “Nothing. I didn’t say anything.”

Damien gave an irritated flick of his head and punched a few keys on a numeric pad on the other side of the gates. They unlocked with a buzz and he pulled them open. She righted her suitcase from where it had fallen and stepped inside before he could change his mind.

“Thank you.” A lie. She was anything but grateful.

Without responding, he relocked the gate and walked past her, folding his umbrella. “Follow me. And mind your step. I don’t want you to fall into the water.” He looked at her. “I don’t need another death on my conscience,” he added, his voice full of condescension and mockery.

“What do you mean?”

“Didn’t anyone tell you?”

When she shook her head, he laughed and guided her toward the manor. Was someone supposed to tell her something? Some special local gossip about Damien?

And what did he mean by another death?

Devil Falls by Angelle Trieste
2008 © Angelle Trieste
Available Now from Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

Like it? Buy it. For more excerpt, click here.

For bonus, check out my guest posts over at Naughty & Spice (for those of you who missed it) and Jennifer Shirk's blog.

Finally, the last week's winner is Sandie (Commenter #2)! Please contact me for your prize!

Interview with Damien Kirk Part 2

To kick off the month of October and the release of my first contemporary romance from Samhain, I’m doing a four-post series on Devil Falls. There’s a chance to win a free copy of Devil Falls each week, so tune in. :)

Devil FallsGenre: Contemporary Romance
ISBN: 1-60504-220-X
Length: Category
Release Date: October 28, 2008
Publisher: Samhain Publishing, LTD

Read It Buy It Extras

All he wants is silence. All she wants are answers.

Damien Kirk was once a world-renowned cellist, celebrated across five continents for his musical gift. Now he lives in self-imposed isolation on a small Caribbean island.

Biography writer Victoria Benedict is looking for a story…and she’s not the type to take no for an answer. Her appearance on his doorstep shatters his reclusive existence.

Determined to be rid of her, Damien demands a quid pro quo: a kiss for each answer to her interview questions. Her response is as arousing as it is unexpected. As Damien and Victoria escalate their sensual game of cat and mouse, Victoria discovers the passionate soul underneath Damien’s cold exterior…and a shocking story of secrets and betrayal.

Warning: This title contains the following: sex, scorching kisses, killer breakfasts, a hot tropical island and a happily ever after.

Interview with Damien Kirk Part 2

Two weeks ago, some of you submitted your questions for Damien. So here are his answers to the five randomly chosen ones:

Susan: Why is it do you suppose that men think the sharp, fierce, grouchy routine is going to scare very determined women away? Have you ever considered that it makes them want to see what is beneath the surface?

Damien [shrugs]: Because it works, of course. I think of it as a triage of sorts. Females approach me all the time; I need something to separate the women from the girls. And in Victoria's case, it worked like a charm.

Sandie: I’m with Victoria. What did Damien mean when he said “I don’t need another death on my conscience” ?

Damien: It does make one wonder, doesn't it? [Smiles nastily] Perhaps you should be careful. Some of the locals think I eat children.

Deidre: What purpose does you having dogs serve? Surely, someone as insufferable as you can take care of himself.

Damien: Would that insufferability conferred some type of protection; I might cultivate the quality. Alas, mere insufferability is not enough to dissuade the more obtuse of the paparazzi. Ludwig and Amadeus, however, function quite nicely in that capacity. Also, they are excellent companions. They're loyal and obedient creatures.

Beth R: Can you explain your side of the scandal? What happened?

Damien: To which scandal do you refer? There have been so many…

Tami: Where is your favorite place to have sex and what position?

Damien: To a true artist, any venue can be an inspiration for the Venusian arts. As for positions, if you must know I prefer “The Cello”, female front, with a straight-backed and sturdy chair.

Feel free to comment. One lucky commenter will get a copy of Devil Falls on October 28.

Finally, the last week's winner is Deidre (Commenter #1)! Please contact me for your prize!

Q&A with Mambo the Grocer (Damien’s Neighbor)

To kick off the month of October and the release of my first contemporary romance from Samhain, I’m doing a four-post series on Devil Falls. There’s a chance to win a free copy of Devil Falls each week, so tune in. :)

Devil FallsGenre: Contemporary Romance
ISBN: 1-60504-220-X
Length: Category
Release Date: October 28, 2008
Publisher: Samhain Publishing, LTD

Read It Buy It Extras

All he wants is silence. All she wants are answers.

Damien Kirk was once a world-renowned cellist, celebrated across five continents for his musical gift. Now he lives in self-imposed isolation on a small Caribbean island.

Biography writer Victoria Benedict is looking for a story…and she’s not the type to take no for an answer. Her appearance on his doorstep shatters his reclusive existence.

Determined to be rid of her, Damien demands a quid pro quo: a kiss for each answer to her interview questions. Her response is as arousing as it is unexpected. As Damien and Victoria escalate their sensual game of cat and mouse, Victoria discovers the passionate soul underneath Damien’s cold exterior…and a shocking story of secrets and betrayal.

Warning: This title contains the following: sex, scorching kisses, killer breakfasts, a hot tropical island and a happily ever after.

Q&A with Mambo the Grocer

Today we caught up with Mambo the grocer. She owns a small grocery store near the mansion where Damien lives, and does a little fortune-telling on the side.

Me: Hi, Mambo. How long have you been on the island?

Mambo: Since I was born. I am a seventh-generation St. Cecilian. (lowers voice) I know everything about everyone.

Me: Really? What do you know about Damien Kirk?

Mambo: Who?

Me: The man who lives in Greyhaven.

Mambo: Him! He is a demon, I tell you. He killed my girl!

Me: Oh…Errrr…hmm. What did the police say?

Mambo: Pffaah! They can do nothing. He has a demonic power. Everyone is afraid of him.

Me (not remembering giving him any supernatural power): How do you know he has “demonic power”?

Mambo: Have you heard him play his cello? It is unnatural to make such sounds, I tell you. Besides, his dogs! They howl like the hounds of hell and cannot stand the light of day.

Me: Err…okay. Well, thanks for your time.

Mambo: Via con dios. (leaning forward) Avoid that man! He will feed his dogs on your blood.

Me (nodding vigorously): You're right. I'll be very careful.

Comment here with anything you want to say or ask Mambo. She will try to answer them all by October 20, so come back here for her response to your questions / comments. One lucky poster will get a free copy of Devil Falls. (Drawing will be held on October 20, so post by October 19 for your chance to win!)

And finally, the winner from last week is Janie Mason (Commenter #9)! Please contact me for your copy of Devil Falls!

13 Music That Inspired Devil Falls (Soundtrack)

To celebrate the release of my first contemporary romance from Samhain, I’m giving away a copy of Devil Falls. For your chance to win a free copy, check out Damien Kirk Interview Part 1. :)

Devil FallsGenre: Contemporary Romance
ISBN: 1-60504-220-X
Length: Category
Release Date: October 28, 2008
Publisher: Samhain Publishing, LTD

Read It Buy It Extras

All he wants is silence. All she wants are answers.

Damien Kirk was once a world-renowned cellist, celebrated across five continents for his musical gift. Now he lives in self-imposed isolation on a small Caribbean island.

Biography writer Victoria Benedict is looking for a story…and she’s not the type to take no for an answer. Her appearance on his doorstep shatters his reclusive existence.

Determined to be rid of her, Damien demands a quid pro quo: a kiss for each answer to her interview questions. Her response is as arousing as it is unexpected. As Damien and Victoria escalate their sensual game of cat and mouse, Victoria discovers the passionate soul underneath Damien’s cold exterior…and a shocking story of secrets and betrayal.

Warning: This title contains the following: sex, scorching kisses, killer breakfasts, a hot tropical island and a happily ever after.

13 Music That Inspired Devil Falls (Soundtrack)

  1. Double Cello Concerto in G minor by Antonio Vivaldi
  2. “Air” Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D by J. S. Bach
  3. Toccata and Fugue in D minor by J. S. Bach
  4. “Tell Me Where It Hurts” by Garbage
  5. “Break Away” by Big Mama
  6. “Sleep” by Azure Ray
  7. “E lucevan le stelle” from Tosca by Giacomo Puccini
  8. “Di quella pira” from Il Trovatore by Giuseppe Verdi
  9. Symphony No. 25 in G minor by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  10. “Extreme Ways” by Moby
  11. The Six Suites for Unaccompanied Cello by J. S. Bach
  12. Soul of the Tango by Astor Piazzolla
  13. Symphony No. 5 in C minor by Ludwig van Beethoven