Archive for the 'Meme' Category

Tagged: Six Unspectacular Quirks About Me

Lynn tagged me.

The rules:

  1. Link to the person who tagged you.
  2. Post the rules on your blog.
  3. List 6 unspectacular quirks you have.
  4. Tag 6 bloggers by linking them.
  5. Leave a comment on each person’s blog to let them know they’ve been tagged.

Six Unspectacular Quirks About Me:

  1. I don't make eye contact with anyone unless I want to deal with them directly.
  2. I can be absent-minded about real life things when I'm working on the first draft.
  3. I have an extreme mottephobia / lepidopterophobia.
  4. I usually almost always sleep on my left side. It's near impossible for me to sleep on my back.
  5. I'm very sensitive to noise when I'm trying to fall asleep.
  6. I love action and/or spy movies. They don't need to make any sense. They just need to have a lot of gratuitous violence.

Tagging: Jennifer, DD, Chelle, Barbara, May, and Portia.

Thirteen Things I Want to Do

In no particular order:

  1. Fly in Singapore Airlines' first-class suite with a double bed.
  2. Go mako fishing.
  3. Live in France.
  4. Speak French and Italian proficiently.
  5. Learn how to cook gumbo.
  6. Skydiving.
  7. Own a nice herb garden.
  8. Have a drink with my agent.
  9. Visit Egypt.
  10. Learn how to fly.
  11. Swim with dolphins. (I've done sharks already.)
  12. Outsource boring and routine tasks.
  13. Learn kendo.

Thirteen Words I Like

I don't think I've ever used them in my writing, but I like them anyway.

In no particular order:

  1. vermicular
  2. forlorn
  3. mansuetude
  4. indurate
  5. trichotillomania
  6. impuissant
  7. subreption
  8. attitudinize
  9. semelparous
  10. deglutition
  11. hibernaculum
  12. dégringolade
  13. apodictic

Thirteen Things I Want to Do This July
  1. Finish The Last Slayer revision based on my conversation with Agent.
  2. Complete Devil Falls edit.
  3. Improve my flexibility and mobility (so that I don't feel horrible neck pain).
  4. Buy myself a nice box of butter cookies from 7-11
  5. Exercise at least fifteen days out of the month.
  6. Get more sleep.
  7. Stop drinking Coke Zero and Aquarius.
  8. Drink more green tea.
  9. Read two new-to-me books.
  10. Say something nice to Hero Material.
  11. Call Mom before the month is over.
  12. Send an appreciation note / email to five people who make my life better.
  13. Select a gift for Japanese Teacher.