| Sep 2014 |

On the 1st of September, The Boy started kindergarten. He's three, but kindergarten can start as early as three in Japan. W00t! Hero Material and I liked the teachers at the school and everything, so we're very excited to enroll him there. A huge bonus is that it's very close. About five or so minutes by bike. :)
After I broke my iPod earlier this year, I told myself I wouldn't buy another. Guess what? I caved and bought a new one. Hero Material of course laughed at me. :sigh:
The big goals for this month are drafting The Billionaire's Secret Wife (Vanessa Pryce and Justin Sterling — Kerri's cousin from Reunited in Love) and seeing if I can wrap up the line edits for Merry in Love. It's behind because of a couple of family crises we had in August. I'm still aiming to have the book out in mid- to late October though, by working under a much more compressed timeline.
The first three books in the Hearts on the Line series are going to be bundled for a special collection in September. The collection (my first!) is available for pre-order right now if you want to grab a copy.
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Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a great September!