| Aug 2014 |
I've received several emails and messages from people asking me about the release schedule for my next books. So here it is!
Mind you, this is tentative because things can change — Amazon or Apple might take longer than expected to approve a book, or maybe some other aspect of production took too much time (editing, formatting, etc. — I have 3 editors working with me, and it's not easy to juggle everyone's schedules, even though they're all super awesome.)
October 17-24 — Merry in Love
December 12-15 — Iain Pryce's book (title: TBA)
mid to late January 2015 — Vanessa Pryce's book (title: TBA)
My goal is to have those three released before my vacation early February. (Yes, I'll be posting pictures! :D )
If you want to know when the above titles are out, be sure to sign up for my new release alert!