| Aug 2011 |
August is probably the hottest month where I am. It's muggy and scorching. That doesn't mean I get to rest. :-)
I turned in edits on The Last Slayer on July 28th. I need to wait on my editor's feedback. I'm really hoping we get done w/ the final round (copyediting) by the end of August.
On a somewhat related note — on July 23rd I started the 500 Words a Day challenge. I have over 4,500 words written on the sequel to The Last Slayer, even though I've been writing no more than 650 words a day. As a matter of fact, my daily word count ranges between 509 and 636. Something I realized through the process is that I don't have to write a lot. I just have to write some to get the momentum going.
I plan to continue with it in August. If all goes as planned, I'll be done with the sequel by the end of the year, if not sooner.
Here's a non-Slayer related news item: Bettie Sharpe and Stella from Ex Libris gave five-star reviews to Carnal Secrets and A Happily Ever After of Her Own, respectively. Bettie's review is found here and Stella's is on her blog. :)
I also signed up for Kindlegraph. You can view my profile here and request digital inscriptions for any Nadia Lee titles you have on Kindle.
Finally, I'll leave you with the latest picture of the Boy. So many people have asked about a new picture, so here it is. (He's over 12 pounds now…!)

Hope you all have a fabulous August!
August 1st, 2011 at 7:57 pm · Link
Baby UnderArmor…LOVE IT!!!
August 1st, 2011 at 10:17 pm · Link
lol I was going to comment on the Under Armour onesie as well! Love it! Want it!
Also: Is he really holding his own bottle?????
August 1st, 2011 at 11:32 pm · Link
Awwwwww, he is so CUTE!
August 1st, 2011 at 11:58 pm · Link
He’s gorgeous! Great going on the 500 Words a Day challenge.
August 1st, 2011 at 11:52 pm · Link
@Black Velvet: Thanks!
@Sandy Williams: We got that from our sister-in-law. Not sure where she got it from, but maybe you can go to UnderArmour website and see? She sent us a heatgear onesie.
As for the bottle — lol. Everyone asks us that. Actually I sorta set things up, so that it looks like he’s holding the bottle. :mrgreen:
@Heather Kinn: Thanks!
August 2nd, 2011 at 1:06 am · Link
@SarahT: Thanks!
August 10th, 2011 at 5:48 pm · Link
He is beautiful! And looks so grown and long! I bet he’s going to be very tall. And his little ears are adorable :mrgreen:
Congrats on your 500 words-a-day achievement, sounds like a good plan :-)
August 10th, 2011 at 8:08 pm · Link
@Stella (Ex Libris): Thank you, Stella! He’s about 60 cm long in the photo. If he’s anything like his daddy, he’s going to be over 6′ for sure.
Thank you re: 500 words. I’m getting quite a bit done w/ the challenge. :)