| Apr 2011 |
When I saw the announcement that Amazon is opening Kindle store in Germany, I never thought my books would be available on Amazon DE as well. But then a few people said, “Hey, our books are showing up!” so I hopped on over to look myself up.

All four of my books are on Amazon DE! W00t! I signed up for their author central program, so my information, etc. is there (though in English…I have no idea how to speak or write German).
So cool. I love it that people can buy ebooks easily in countries served by Amazon DE.
April 24th, 2011 at 5:14 am · Link
Huge congrats…This is great news…Wishing you a Happy Easter..
April 24th, 2011 at 2:54 pm · Link
@Savannah chase: Thank you! You too!