| Sep 2010 |
Since Peanut's death earlier this week, I've been very blue about the fact that the big cage has been sitting empty and forlorn. My morning ritual usually starts with checking up on our hamsters and making coffee. It depressed me every time I said, “Hello, ham-chans!” and then realized that there was nobody to squeak back at me. Then throughout the day I look at the cage to see how Peanut's doing, and when he's not there, it makes me feel like I want to cry. In a way it's harder…when the others passed away, I always had another hamster or two to cheer me up and keep me company. Having no hamster at all now feels unimaginable.
So Hero Material and I cleaned out the big cage and redid the set up. Then we went to a local pet store to get some new hamsters. We thought about getting a pearl white and a plain black one, but it didn't work out because the latter looked a little sick and kept biting everyone. *sigh*
So we decided to get blue sapphires instead, but they had three boys in one cage, and we couldn't buy just two like we're thinking about and leave one behind. That'd be cruel, and we couldn't decide which two to take since they were all extremely cute and even-tempered.
So now we are three. Say hello to our little friends: Bigger, Digger and Nester.
Bigger is the biggest out of the group actually. He's very sweet and likes to munch on timothy hay.

Digger is the smallest, and he likes to dig around in the food bowl…

Nester is the mid-size one, and he likes to make nests. He reminds me a little bit of Shiro because she used to make gorgeous nests too.

May they live long and prosper.
September 23rd, 2010 at 8:26 pm · Link
Condolences on losing Peanut. I didn’t realize he was gone. I remember your post about Shiro and it broke my heart.
The new guys look so cute. Aren’t they the sweetest things?
September 23rd, 2010 at 9:31 pm · Link
So glad to see you have three little squeakers again. They are sure cute.
September 23rd, 2010 at 10:52 pm · Link
Oh, your new trio of little hamster guys are so adorable!
September 24th, 2010 at 3:18 am · Link
They are soooo CUTE! Hope they do live long.
Very happy for you darlin :)