| Mar 2010 |

Last night between 8:20 p.m. and 9:20 p.m. Buttercup passed away.
She'd been sick for a while, and even though we gave her medicine and so on, she just couldn't get healthy. She curled inside her favorite yogurt cup and just stopped breathing.
Her death was less of a shock to me than it was with Shiro's. In a way I kinda knew that Buttercup's chances weren't very good when she lost a third of her weight very fast and couldn't gain it back after a month. Her haggard appearance reminded me of Shiro's last days.
Hero Material and I buried Buttercup under a willow tree next to the one Shiro's resting under.
Good bye, Buttercup.
March 25th, 2010 at 10:17 am · Link
Awww, I’m sorry. Pet death is no fun. I watch Hamtaro suspiciously every day, afraid that his time may be up soon.
March 26th, 2010 at 12:03 pm · Link
Good bye dear Peanut:(
March 26th, 2010 at 3:02 pm · Link
I totally know what you mean. Hamtaro is a golden hamster, so he should live longer than winter whites (the kind I have), but still…
It’s actually Buttercup who passed away. Peanut’s still healthy :)
April 13th, 2010 at 9:09 pm · Link
Goodbye little sweet Buttercup and big huge hugs to you Nadia.
April 16th, 2010 at 4:27 pm · Link
I have a version of the “game over” tshirt
Its good
April 16th, 2010 at 4:30 pm · Link
should lay off the drink