| Oct 2009 |
I know I talk about my hamsters a lot, and some of the blog pictures are a bit low quality, so Hero Material took some good ones.
Here are three pictures of Shiro & Peanut. Shiro is a pearl white Siberian hamster, and Peanut is the first son she had with Kuro.
First up — Shiro. This is her surveying her kingdom. Hero Material and I call her Kuiin Hamu (Queen Hamster).

The next two are pictures of Peanut. He's very even-tempered and sweet. He adores eating egg yolks, and as a matter of fact, he's eating one in one of the pictures. (He looks very ferocious when he eats.)

Aren't they just adorable? :wub:
October 24th, 2009 at 9:08 am · Link
They are soooo cute. Really lovely!
October 24th, 2009 at 10:13 am · Link
OH MY GOD! You have beautiful hamsters. Very CUTE! indeed :D
October 24th, 2009 at 2:48 pm · Link
OMG, those are the cutest hamsters ever!
October 27th, 2009 at 12:00 am · Link
Thanks, ladies! Shiro & Peanut are preening now LOL. ;)